Monthly Archives: March 2007

Environmental politics Science

A life-sized blue whale on your computer

It is curiously calming … leave it open and pop by occasionally.

Via Inky Circus.


Swiftian Australian humour, with bite

A modest proposal: that fundamentalists not be allowed to marry.

Rather makes me think of the five-year-old I used to babysit who brought home from his Catholic school childish paintings on an allocated subject – “hell”.

Feminism History Women's history

Why do we need feminist archaeology?

Because it is not what you find, but the questions you ask about the determine the conclusions you’ll reach.

I’ve been reading, in my odd spare minute, the fascinating Findings: The Material Culture of Needlework and Sewing, by Mary C Beaudhry. She’s interested in the physical evidence of the craft that is found on archaeological sites, and has some fascinating conclusions, and an awful lot of confusion from (frequently) male archaeologists who lacked basic knowledge of the craft that might have set them straight.

So there’s a whole chapter on “the lowly pin”, going back to what have been identified as “dress pins” from a royal tomb in Bronze Age Turkey (Alaca Hoyuk). But, Beaudhry says: “These have flat ends and hence are far more likely to have been spindles than pins.” (p. 11)

The most common for millennia were probably wooden pins, although they are only rare survivals in boggy ground – among the oldest from a Neolithic site at the Sweet Track on the Somerset Down, but by the 15th and 16th century, in London at least, metal pins become common.

In April 1440, two galleys outfitted on behalf of seven Venetians merchants docked at Southampton on their return voyage from Flanders carring 83,000 pins as part of their cargo.”

These were mostly straight, made from fine wire and with small heads – an artefact of fashion since they were used to fasten women’s veils; “the trousseau of Edward II’s daughter, Prince Joan, whose wedding took place in 1348, included 12,000 pins for fastening her veils” (p. 13)

And they continued to be the fastener of the poor – cheaper than buttons – into the 17th century. And they were used to fasten the clothing of infants! From the 18th century: “As to the head, it is covered with two or three biggins [bonnets], the first of which is of linen, and the others woollen, and these are tied beneath the neck. In many places they add a stayband or a kind of headdress with two ends which hang down the side of the head and are fastened on the breast with pins in order to meet the infant hold its head straight.” (p.14)

Yet it seems many archaeologists tend to interpret the presence of pins as evidence of sewing, and women. Which must have meant some confusion when 1,575 pins were recovered from the 16th-century Free Grammar School in Coventry (all male pupils – the pins would have been used to hold their ruffs in place. (p. 22)

Environmental politics

The Green Party conference

Yes, I promised you voluminous live blogging and it never happened. A couple of reasons for that: one a bit of minor constitutional trauma for me personally (but it all sort of worked out in the end). The other excuses included the keeping of the Green Party members’ website up-to-date, organisation of a video camera, running three fringes (unfortunately I had to cancel one), and… well let’s say really I wasn’t slacking.

And thanks very much to everyone who came to my “internal communications in the Green Party” fringe – I was rather expecting to be talking to an empty room, but I had about a dozen participants and some excellent ideas.

For full, fair coverage you should go to The Daily (Maybe); Jim covered the big issue, leadership, here.

And if I can find the energy (on top of everything else I’ve now got the office cold) I’ll try to write a piece for Comment is Free.


Cheesy? Well maybe

No I don’t think I’m cracking up, quite, but I have been watching cheese mature. Makes a nice variation on an old cliche…


Trying again

“Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”

Yep, a campaign has begun, again, to bring America at least into the 20th century, by reviving the Equal Rights Amendment.