Friday Femmes Fatales No 64

Ten great posts from 10 new (to me) women bloggers.

To begin with a horrible tale on loteria chicana, about a woman who happened to be an illegal immigrant seeking a restraining order against an allegedly abusive husband. The judge found what he thought was a neat solution: force her to flee the court, there’d be no order, and gosh, the couple could even end up back together. She wouldn’t have any choice.

Then not exactly “new” to me, since a Blogcritics regular, but Dawn Olsen hasn’t featured here before, and her post on how American Moms Freak Over Breastsucking Infants is just a must read. It is a mother’s magazine. And there’s a baby feeding on the cover. So?

Getting more cheerful, MsAbcMom enjoys a lively shopping trip in Panama with her family. A very different experience to a similar trip in the US. And great pictures! (Probably not good if you are feeling hungry…)

Speaking of family, on Family Oral History Using Digital Tools, Susan A. Kitchens talks to her mother about HER mother – who graduated from MIT in 1920. That’s what you call a pioneering family tree. (Video)

Quite a bit of art criticism this week, starting with Big A little A. There Kelly Herold finds that stereotypes ruin an otherwise good movie: Monster House.

On Confessions of a Bibliovore (love the name), a review of Dairy Queen, which might be classed as a “young adult” novel. It sees its young heroine running a dairy farm. Perhaps for a slightly younger audience, on Book Moot Camille reviews Let’s Go Pegasus – it is retelling the classic myth, and a chorus of owls sounds like a nice touch.

Then, definitely for grown-ups, A.L. Harper on My Coffee Clatch reviews a novel about Mormons and Salt Lake City. It’s also about sexual addiction. Not at all what you’d expect.

Gillian on gillianic tendencies has been doing her part to raise half a million dollars for cancer research. Boo, hiss to those who questioned her motivation, and good on her for standing up to them.

On Chrissy’s Random Life, subtitled “The Life of an Obsessed Knitter”, you won’t be surprised about the subject of the post to which I’m pointing. But this also has a nice “green” angle, for knitting your own farmers’ market bag has to be the ultimate alternative to using plastic bags for shopping.

If you missed the last edition, it is here. (If you’d like to see all of them as a list, click on the category “Friday Femmes Fatales” in the righthand sidebar. That will take you to a collection of 640, and counting, women bloggers.)


Please: In the next week if you read, or write, a post by a woman blogger and think “that deserves a wider audience” (particularly someone who doesn’t yet get many hits), drop a comment. It really does make my life easier. Or don’t be shy – nominate yourself! (Thanks to Penny for her suggestions this week!)

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