Carnival of Feminists No 51

Welcome to the Carnival of Feminists No 51, which has come back to its original starting point for the second time for a very late second anniversary. And it is also running later than the scheduled date – for which apologies. But enough of that, moving on quickly to some great feminist posts….

One of the many great things I find about the feminist blogosphere is that so many of its writers are capable of dealing with nuance, and complexity, and exploring difficult issues in depth.


Another great power of the feminist blogosphere is writers’ preparedness to show courage and rebellion, to resist stereotypes and attempts at silencing.

I can’t think of a better example of that than Elizabeth McClung’s account on Screw Bronze! of why she decided to close her blog. She writes: “This is this social idea that girls in wheelchairs aren’t rebels (or dangerous) and I was proud that a portion of my blog was a big finger in the air to that idea.”

And there’s more more…

  • * On Feminists Philosophers, Monkey explains how a a change in Scottish rape law is long overdue with biting force.
  • * And on abyss2hope, Marcella turns the right’s claims about false reports of rape against it.
  • * On the other side of the world, at Australian Women Online, its clear that sexism is alive and well in the animal antics at a drunken motorshow.
  • * Even more seriously, snigdhasen reports on India’s missing girls – there seems to have been a move from outrage to resignation.

* And so often the feminist blogosphere is inspiring – writers sharing their passions and enthusiasm. Among the posts fitting that description here:

  • * On Persephone’s Box, Sage explains her enthusiasm for the move Superbad – “One criterion that is important is the extent to which the main character develops away from traditional patriarchal roles.”
  • * On The Burning Time, Debs finds a poem that perfectly fits with her feeling of how she loves being a woman: “I am in such amazing company!”
  • * And Chameleon, on Redemption Blues, offers a strong set of hopes for the new year, including “A change in attitudes towards rape “.

And the feminist blogosphere is generous – writers share information, knowledge and useful thoughts.

  • *On Me, My Kid and Life, subtitled “An American Single Mom Living in France and Working from Home”, there’s an account of how to help a friend start up again after a divorce.
  • * Tali on Blogher explains how she learnt she can ‘sell – if it is the right product approached in the right way. “Strive to enrich people’s lives and people will see a positive agenda.”
  • * Paula on Authenticsight has some calm reflections on going gray – “I will be the master of my own ship… er uh, hair…”

And the feminist blogosphere is expert, but writers usually don’t hide behind that expertise with jargon and show-off obsfucation.

So it is that I can tell you that you MUST read Rebecca’s account, on Adventures in Applied Math, of some astonishing embedded sexism in computing.

  • * And Ann Bartow on Feminist Law Professors sets out how celebrity culture tears women apart, and sets a model other women feel obliged to follow.
  • * Meanwhile Ellen employs her critical literary skills to the movie Juno, “a variant on the centuries-old lies pressuring women never to tell the full truth about motherhood or the intense risks and common miseries of childbirth or pregnancy”.
  • * And on Socialist Unity, Louise is setting out just how women were ill-served by a sexist pension system. But … “The government has no plans to rectify this inequality.”
  • * While on the F-Word, Louise is putting together statstics on male violence – these are for the UK, but I suspect they’d broadly hold elsewhere.
  • And the feminist blogosphere rescues our foremothers (a subject close to my own heart).

    But not as well as it should …. as futurebird says on Feminist Forum, the gender ratio of Wikipedia contributors is grossly skewed. And that’s probably got something to do with a severe shortage of female biographies. (Reminder to self – I have vowed to make more contributions on that myself!)

    And, finally, the feminist blogosphere is a lot of fun.

    And that concludes this edition of the Carnival of Feminists. Thanks to all who nominated – and if you’re reading this and thinking “I’d like to be there”, don’t forget to nominate – self-nominations are absolutely fine! – through the Blog Carnival form, or by email to camahdavi AT gmail DOT com. The next carnival will be on Figure: Demystifying the Feminist Mystique.

    (This is the second time that blog has hosted – now the second anniversary has passed I’m happy to throw hosting open to blogs that have had a first shot – although newcomers are also exceedingly welcome, and will get special preference, and any assistance needed. Don’t be shy!)

    And a PS – not to be too self-referential, but if you are interested in the Carnival of Feminists, you might like to read Georgia Gaden’s exploration of it on Third Space: A Journal of Feminist Theory and Culture. (And you might also like to read Kortney Ryan Ziegler of blac (k) ademic, reflecting on Academic Blogging as Intercultural Exchange.)

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