Category Archives: Politics

Books Politics

Notes from Debt and Austerity: Implications of the Financial Crisis, Jodi Gardner, ed

P. 3 “Financialisation, the increased importance of capital markets in turning the material economy into financial assets to be traded on global markets, is a key to understanding how debt circulates in global markets. The contemporary creation of new housing, urban infrastructure and student loans are all examples of how the material economy is as often as much about generating tradeable financial assets in global markets as responding to local demand. Scholars comment on the startling growth of traded assets in the run-up to the global financial crisis of 2008, and the importance of these flows to the UK and the US.”

P. 4 The speculative activity in financial markets was certainly not confined to housing. Consumer credit (eg car loans, credit card debt, student loans etc) grew rapidly in the decade before the global financial crisis, and was also converted into credit derivatives on global markets. Many argued that consumer debt replaced the state in stimulating demand, and fuelled the economic boom experienced before the financial crisis.”

P. 6 In response to the 2008 global financial crisis, the UK government, like those of many other countries, pursued emergency fiscal stimulus meqasures and bank bailouts to avert collapse of the financial system. Years of “quantative easing” followed through which central banks bought government bonds and corporate ‘toxic’ debt. In many ways the public safety net, which had been shrinking as a mechanism of popular redistribution, had not disappeared byuty was “placed under the banking sstem” in a fashion that was “unprecedented in scale and duration… private sector debt was transformed into a sovereign debt crisis in what Blyth called the “greatest bait and switch in modern history”… consensus around austerity was pushed by many national governments, such as in the UK, and by international institutions such as the European Commission, the IMF and the European Central Bank. These institutions saw sovereign debt as potentially economically and politically destablising and imposed austerity policies as a precondition for financial aid. Many academic and policy observers argued that austerity was more political than economic  that austerity was part of a longer-term political project to promote a permanent smaller state, a more reliberal state.”

P. 7 “Rarely did austerity policies remain at the central government level, but were often pushed down to the local level, where tough decisions about the distributional aspects of the cuts were forced onto local government… pushed the crisis to lower spatial scales of government, non-governmental actors and low-income households. Within the context of the UK and US, austerity was pushed down to the poorest areas in the country, which were dependent on redistributive grants from central government.”

P. 13 Citizens Advice highlights what they call “the hidden problem of household bill debt”. These debts are for essential services (including fuel, water, and telecoms, rent arrears, debts to government (such as council tax arrears or overpayments of tax credits) and fines or penalty notives. In 2017-18 Citizens Advice received almost 700,000 complaints about these debts – nearly double the complaints received about commercial consumer credit … the CAB estimates that in 2017 over £19 million was owed to government and essential services providers, a 34% increase from 2010.”

P. 18 “The growing use of surveillance and sanctions may be understood in relation to what Wacquant describes as the “distinctive paradox of neoliberal penalty”. That is, those governmental practices that celebrate the “free market” and individual responsibility, on the one hand, while deploying increasingly intrusive and punitive policies to protect the market, on the other.”

P. 23 “Smith examines Margaret Thatcher’s Right-to-buy policy as the key to understanding the “normalisation” of debt.” 

P. 25 “Although there are many forms of the poverty premium, we argue that the most important form of poverty premium is in the debt infrastructure itself – the numerous ways in which small debts, owed to the private or public sector, are allowed to escalate into large debts and into problem debt.

Books Feminism History Politics Women's history

Notes from Patricia Tilburg, Working Girls: Sex, Taste and Reform in the Parisian Garment Trades, 1880-1919

p. 20 “the Romantic grisette was rarely represented labouring – a considerable contrast to her later incarnation, the midinette. Henri Monnier’s 1829 lithograph Les Grisettes depict only scenes of romantic entanglements between a bourgeois man and his grisette mistress. Also typical of the genre was the 1834 song “Les Tribulations de Mlle Flore, coururiere en robe” in which a mournful seamstress sings of her parade of unfaithful lovers: a painter, a drummer, a hussar, gendarmes, cooks, infantrymen. Flore never hints at her own work; we only know she is a seamstress because of the song’s title The grisette, rather than actually working, was instead often pictured as a devotee of popular fiction, especially sentimental Parisian novels like those of Paul de Kock… Already in the 18th century, she was seen to hold more cultural capital in the form of Parisian fashion sense than many noblewomen. Jules Janin’s entry for “La Grisette” for 1840s “moral encyclopedia Les Francais peints par eux-memes defined the gristte’s taste as both a contrast to the idle luxury of bourgeois women and as a national heritage. “Their industrious hands ceaselessly and forever shape gauze, silk, velvt, linen .. this innocent continual conquest at the point of a needle is a thousand times more durable than all of our conquests at the point of a sword … They reign as despots over European finery… And must this French taste be universal so that those girls, those children of the poor, who will die poor like their mothers, become the omnipotent representative of fashion in the entire universe!”

p. 21 The grisette’s sexual availability went virtually unquestioned in Romantic-era fiction. Ernest Desprez counselled young men in search of a grisette mistress that “the virtuous grisette is one that has only one lover”.

P23 By 1850, the grisette had become an object of melancholic nostalgia, harkening back to an earlier Paris….representing “the passage into modernity, first as a new aesthetic, that of debris and ruins, then as an existential feeling, that of the loss of the city as a physical and spiritual home.”

p. 26 By the turn of the century, the grisette still regularly appeared throughout popular culture as a sign of heightened romantic longing for a lost Paris, a France of small-scale industry, sentiment amd elegance. She was frequently conflated with contemporary garment workers, tethering living belle epoque working women with a figure of literary wistfulness.  Parisian garment workers in this period inhabited new post-Haussman city spaces with novel freedoms of movement, increased access to the consumer economy and (for some) newfound political activism… The most popular grisette of the turn of the century was Musett’s Mimi Pinson, who was featured in songs, poems, postcards, ballet, vaudeville shows, short stories, novels, films and even a series of dolls… a statue of Museet by Antonin Mercie was dedicated with great fanfare in front of the Theatre Francaise.”

P. 38 In the Parisian imaginary, the belle epoque midinette tended, like her grisette grandmother, to inhabit a liminal moral space between libertinage and bourgeois feminine virtue. Often surrounded by carefree coquettes who toil alongside her in the couture workshop and encourage her romantic follies, the midinette heroine was, more or less, a good girl. She might take a lover, or be seduced or raped, but she is generally a young woman of romantic loyalty and goodness. While melodramatic tragedy was one possible trajectory for fictive midinettes, they were often represented as unchaste, but, ultimately content, either happily married, in concubinage or managing their own couture shops.”

p. 39 the term midinette referenced the moment in the workday when these young women were best observed by lubricious flaneurs, the noon lunch hour… a spectacular urban figure, inseparable from the commercial delights of post-Hausmann Paris, .. like an enchanting species of city bird (to which she was regularly compared).

P 65 For French manufacturers, Parisian garment workers were women who required protection because of their talent and importance to the French economy, and because they were embedded in a charmingly archaic paternalistic workplace…The Bon Marche was praised for providing dowries for single female employees. La Samarataine had created a nursery for employees’ children. Two fashion houses were singled out for providing maternity benefits. In striking contrast, Carette’s comparatively brief section on British employers’ pension policies explained tersely that in England “It is not the custom of industrial or commercial businesses to provide for the retirement of their employees or labourers… The laborer is used to counting on no one but himself.”

p. 139 lunch reform “the reality of the malnourished sweated laborer is nearly elided in favour of a chic coquette who chooses not to eat her fill in order to revel in the pleasures of Parisian couture (rather than being deprived of adequate nourishment because of a meager salary.)”

p. 171 Recent scholarship .. reappraises women’s wartime strikes, noting, among other things, the way in which the garment strikes were read as “a festice assembly of women who sang their way into the Ministers’ – and the public’s – hearts.” .. the female and more traditionally feminine nature of the garment strikes made them more sympathetic than munitions strikes, including munitionettes.. the relatively sympathetic treatment of Parisian garment worker protest was embedded in a symbolic system of the midinette that pre-dated the war.”

Books History Politics Women's history

Notes from Dining on Turtles: food Feasts and Drinking in History

Food and Feast as Propaganda in Late Renaissance Italy by Ken Albala pp. 33-45

p. 33 “banquets in Italian courts of the latter 16th century were extravagant multimedia events meant to astound and overwhelm the senses of participants. They included music, entertainment, perfums and flowers as well as the elaborate displays of food to feast the eyes as well as the palate… The literature was also a superb form of advertisement fo the small Italian courts as they hoped to become the model of sophistication and refined taste for their larger neighbours such as France and Spain. The Italians’ relation to these states was precarious. Much of the peninsula had had either been conquered in the course of the Hapsburg-Valois War or was now tacitly controlled by the larger powers. Marriage alliances were crucial to the survival of many Italian states… These small courts needed the protection of the nation-states, but had little to offer in terms of resources or arms. Instead they offered cultureL art and architecture, literature, gardening and cuisine.”

Giovanni Battista Rossetti’s Della Scalco p. 41 « The meal consisted of five separate courses each comprising between 15 and 19 different dishes in multiples of seven. In total, including the six scenes and the six plates of mad Orlando, there were 621 dishes of food served. .. The banquet probably served about 40. That means for each guest there were about 15 dishes. The service was also in the Iralian fasgion with many small plates covering the table in each course… meals alternate by temperature and method of cooking with different types of food both sweet and savory in every single course.”

“Beer, Women and Grub,” Pubs, Food and the Industrial Working Class by Diane Kirby – pp. 136-153

p. 140 “In the late 18th and early 19th century this work in pubs became a distinct occupation, ‘barmaid’. French cafes similar introduced a serving counter which profoundly altered café relations and the place of women. “Women at the counter, either as owner or as server, were at the very heart of ‘café sociability,” historian Scott Haine has observed. The resemblance to barmaids was remarkable. Being a barmaid was a highly sex-specific occupation. Although men also worked in public houses as barmen, the skills required of each were differentiated. Women found ready employment if they were attractive and well-dressed and by the middle of the 19th century this was becoming the rpime attribute. So too in French cafes. “By the 1840s, almost all writers [on] Parisen mores commented on the desirability, if not the necessity of a pretty woman behing the counter … and the predominately male clientele of the working-class café were resassured to have a woman behind the counter … serving food and drink… Yet in pubs the work itself was a superior form of domestic service and most of the women seeking work behind the bar were former domestic servants who saw the opportunity to improve their chances. The skills required of narmaids were even more akin to running a house as they kept the premises clean and catered to the wants of their thirsty “boys”.

P. 141 “In the colonies of Australia (and New Zealand) the public house developed into a new distinctive entity, as liquor licences allowed pubs to serve spirits and wines as well as beer, and also required licenced premises to provide all the services to travellers which in England were provided by inns. .. licencing laws stipulated that before a licence to retail liquor to urban as well as rural workers would be granted, pubs much provide meal and accommodation services for travellers … the absence of other forms of waged work (such as manufacturing) made hotelkeeping a very attractive option for colonial women. … by 1890 running a hotel was a major avenue of self-employment for women. This meant that young women working behind the bar could expect to become licencees in their own right if they saved enough. It was a means to economic independence from wage labour and it have women working there a certain autonomy. Wages in the colonies were high for barmaids who, compared to other women workers, were paid well and by the early 20th century were organising into trade unions.”

p. 157 “Cookbooks “are central to the establishment of the socially sanctioned ordering of the public sphere”. In sharing their recipes for good food, women could build a collective image of “the good life”. In the years during which the community cookbook first flourished in Australia, in the Federation era, this was likely to be characterised by substantial cuts of meat, hefty puddings and dainty baked goods. It would probably have an element of romance, most community cookbooks of this era contain recipes for “Kiss Biscuits” and “love Cakes”. Food historian Michael Symons comments on “daintiness” are interesting … in the history of eating in Australia during the period between the two world wars, he finds a polarisation between ‘male’ roughness, characterised by the drinking of bad beer, hakering for the bush, meat pies and wolfing down great slabs of meat, and ‘female’ daintiness, symbolised by the drinking of tea, baked goods and the love of pink things and consumer embellishments. “Daintiness” – which emboied ‘feminine qualities like lightness, prettiness and gentility – was part of a long campaign to subvert the traditional caring concerns of women into petty materialistic preoccupations charges Symons.”

“Community Cookbooks, Women and the ‘Building of Civil Society’ in Australia, 1900-38 bny Sarah Black, pp. 154- 170

P. 160 “Sample menus are common in community cookbooks, and fulfil two main roles. First, they often reflecton the social roles claimed or aspired to by the creators of books. Secondly, they constitute guidelines for appropriate social and culinary behaviour.The great social and geographic shifts experienced by so many as a result of migration to Australia, both in the 19th and 20th centuries, created a real need for this kind of information. Women needed to know how to deal with unfamiliar landscapes, new foods, more advanced or (in many cases) more primitive domestic technologies, and new social milieus. How does one know, without being told, the best, easiest, most economical and most highly approved way to provide for 300 adults, plus accompanying minors, dogs and livestock who will shortly be descending on one’s property?”

“Just sugar?” Food and Landscape along Queensland’s Sunshine Coast by Chris McConville, pp. 188-205

p. 194 “In adapting British cuisine to the Antipodes, Australians speedily outdid the sweet tooth of the Old World and by the later 19th century the Australian colonies were estimated to have had the hishest per-capita sugar consumption in the world Coghlan, the NSW colonial statistician, made the extraordinary estimate that 8.4% of NSW family budghets went on the consumption of sugar… Queensland far outdid all the other colonies. In the period 1890-94 each Queenslander devoured, annually, 141.3 pounds of sugar! In contract Tasmania consumed 82 pounds and Victoria 99.4 pounds.”

Books Politics

Notes from Dirty Work by Eyal Press

P.10 “Economic inequality mirrors and reinforces something else: moral inequality. Just as the rich and the poor have come to inhabit starkly different worlds, an equally stark gap separates people who perform the most thankless, ethically troubling jobs in America and those who are exempt from these activities… the burden of dirtying one’s hands – and the benefit of having a clean conscience – are increasingly functions of privilege; of the capacity to distance oneself from the isolated places where dirty work is performed while leaving the sordid details to others. People with fewer advantage are not only more likely to do this work; they are more likely to be failed for it, singled out as “bad apples” who can be blamed when systematic violence that has long been tolerated and perhaps even encouraged by superiors occasionally come to light… The higher-ups and the “good people” who have tacitly condoned what they are doing remain untarnished, free to claim that they knew nothing about it while casting judgements on the scapegoats. The familiar colloquial meaning of ‘dirty work’ is a thankless or unpleasant task. In this book, the term refers to something different and more specific. First, it is work that causes substantial harm either to other people or to nonhuman animals and the environment, often through the infliction of violence. Second, it entails doing something that “good people” – the respectable members of society – see as dirty and morally compromised. Third, it is work that is injurious to the people who do it, leading them either to feel devalued and stigmatized by others or to feel that they have betrayed their own core values and beliefs.Last and most important, it is contingent on a tacit mandate from the “good people”, who see this work as a necessary part of the social order but don’t explicitly assent to it and can, if need be, disavow responsibility for it”

Books Feminism History Politics Women's history

Notes from Women’s Economic Thought in the Romantic Age: Towards a Transdisciplinary Herstory of Economic Thought, Joanna Rostek

p. 22 Mary Robinson, in her spirited Letter to the Women of England on the Injustice of Mental Subordination of 1799, pondering the establishment of a university for women

“Had fortune enabled me, I would build a UNIVERSITY FOR WOMEN, where they should be politely, and at the same time classically educated: the depth of their studies, should be proportioned to their mental powers,  and those who were incompetent to the labours of knowledge, should be dismissed after a fair trial of their capabilities, and allotted to the more humble life, such as domestic and useful occupations. The wealthy part of the community, who neglected to educate their female offspring at this seminary of learning should pay a fine, which should be appropriated to the maintenance of unportioned scholars. In half a century there would be sufficient number of learned women to fill all the departments of the university, and those who excelled to an eminent degree should receive honorary medals, which they should wear as an ORDER OF LITERARY MERIT.”

p. 26 The Lost-Gems approach … seeks for “gems that were always there for the looking” … such an approach infuses, for example, Lynn McDonald’s Women Theorists on Society and Politics (1998) and Dorothy Lampen Thomson’s pioneering Adam Smith’s Daughters (1973)… demonstrating the compatibility of endeavours by women (or other marginalised groups) with conventional rules for formulating academically valid claims is initially probably the easiest route into having their intellectual contributions noticed and recognised.. unlikely to displace the patriarchal bias at the heart of institutionalised knowledge production and ironically even serve to solidify a system that works to the detriment of the marginalised.”

p. 27 “advocates of epistemological criticism emphasise that finding a place for women in the history of knowledge cannot stop at inserting them into the established canon but involves rethinking and dismantling the gendered dimensions of scientific practice as such … women should be able to join the game, but the game’s rules must be reformed too.”… Pandora’s Breeches: Women, Science and Power in the Enlightenment … entails recognition of science as a collective endeavour rather than the playing field of certain gifted (male) individuals. Scholarship and science rely on the work of numerous, yet systematically overlooked people.

Sandra Harding’s pioneering work is worth introducing in connection with epistemological criticism, not least because feminist economics has subsequently drawn on her insights: an essay by Harding entitled “Can Feminist Thought Make Economics More Objective?” featured in the first issue of Feminist Economics in 1995…. Harding makes a case for what she terms strong objectivity: a scientific standpoint that consciously states and reflects on its values and interests instead of pretending to be neutral.”

p. 34 Cornelia Klinger … around 1800 constitutes a watershed in the history of gender relations… women… became Modernity’s other … precisely because Modernity needed the other in order to stabilise itself/its self. … Women became the outside®s of modern knowledge; but because without the outsides the identity of the core would collapse, they are an essential, albeit hidden, part of the process of modern knowledge formation.”

P 37 Shelley “seems to have sensed that admitting women into scholarship and knowledge formation would meet with immense obstacles. Yet she is quite clear on the consequences of the refusal to allow for the female’s existence, of the explicit fear of her (pro0)creative energies: the absence of a female companion turns the male creature into a monster and ultimate leads to catastrophe.”

p. 47 Brue and Grant’s student textbook on The Evolution of Economic Thought, the 8th edition of which was published in 2013. … out of more than 70 names of individual scholars mentioned in the book’s chapter headings, only one, that of British economist Joan Robinson, refers to a woman. Her Economics of Imperfect Competition (1933) is moreover the only text authored by a woman to be mentioned in the textbook’s list of “Selected Classics in Economics”.

p. 48 Somewhat heretical from the standpoint of mainstream economics … Tomas Sedlacek’s economics of Good and Evil – is not exempt from androcentrism. … the 12-pages long index contains a mere six references to women, and that is counting Pandora and Mother Nature.

p. 55 Critics have demonstrated that the literary character of Robinson Crusoe is a widely used example in explaining the concept of homo economicus…. A paradigm of Western, white, male middle-class imperialism… many economics overlook role of his mother and Friday  “and present Crusoe as the quintessential self-sufficient model of economic behaviour”.

p. 56 “Choice is another crucial concept for mainstream economics… yet for feminist economists, what is frequently undertheorised or omitted within this model is the aspect of power, which for a substantial amount of people factually limits the possibilities to choose freely. .. Strassmann puts forward this in economic theory “the lack of emphasis on constraints and interdependence … deemphasizes (if not ignores) the fact that human being begin (and often end) life in a state of helplessness and unchosen dependency…. With caring work… “knowledge production and science as such could not have developed”.

p. 57 “prioritising positivist over normanist statements is epistemologically flawed because it fails to acknowledge that the positivist stance – just as its supposed counterpart – steeped in cultural values and clandestinely promoting the interests of particular groups. .. accords the status of value-neutrality to what in fact is value-blindness.”

p. 61 “Mary S Morgan “Economists use their economic models to explain or to understand the facts of the world by telling stories about how those facts might have arisen. The stories are neither ‘merely heuristic’ nor ‘just rhetoric” but an essential part of the way models are labelled and used.

p. 68 “women around 1800 turned to other genres of writing such as journals, letters, diaries, and, in particular, novels to make their thoughts known. They used them as a textual arena on which they could systematically prove various concerns, among them economic ones… Poovey observes that “the prevalence of financial topics in women’s novels suggests these matters were not far from women novelists’ minds, even if few women contributed articles to the financial press”.

p. 75 Humen “reads Pride and Prejudice as a “glum but telling satiric protest against the socioeconomic position of early 19th-century women, elegantly camouflaged in a fantasy romance.”

p. 83 Melissa Kennedy “In today’s increasingly neoliberalised university, the humanities are under pressure to justify their value in economic terms, in which concepts of the imagination, critical thinking, ‘soft’ skills, literacy and foreign languages have little use-value. In the current late-capitalist, developed world that has almost fully succeeded in attributing financial values to formerly non-financial things – including the commons, water, air, education, knowledge and ideas – the humanities have been so sidelined, and literature so devalued, that it is hard to even imagine that these disciplines might have an important role to play in interpreting or critiquing economic beliefs”.

Imagined Economics – Real Fictions: New Perspectives in Economic Thinking

p. 94 “Cicley Hamilton in Marriage as a Trade (1909) “Some day [man] will discover that woman does not support life only in order to obtain a husband, but frequently obtains a husband only in order to support life.”

p. 104 Chapone is in some respects a radical, in others a conservative critic. She does not argue against marriage per se,… nor does she demand absolute equality between husband and wife. She indicts, however, the extent of the inequality under the present system and accuses the law of not protecting women sufficiently in case the husband reneges on his obligations. .. she buttresses these points by arguing both on an abstract plane and with references to concrete examples of economic violence towards women”.

p. 120 Wollstonecraft’s liberalism and her radical promotion of equality. The ‘hoarding up of property “ and power – be it political, legal, landed or monetary – by one group is to her always a sign of a corrupt system. The emphasis on an equal distribution of resources between members of society expressly includes the equal distribution of resources between the sexes, also underlies her feminist economics of marriage.”

p. 140 “Based on a remark by William Thomason and Anna Doyle Wheeler in their Appeal of One Half of the Human Race, Women, against the Pretentions of the Other Half Men (1825), the authorship of Appeal is generally attributed to the Dissenting feminist Mary Hays. Born to a middle-class English family on 4 May 1759, the largely self-educated Haus earned her living through work – a decision that was reinforced by the example of her widowed mother who conducted business as a wine merchant as well as the fact that Mary Hays never married. (Her finance John Eccles died unexpectedly in 1780, shortly before the marriage ceremony was due to take place.) For most of her life, Hays lived in and around London, pursuing a career as a professional writer and social commentator. Her lifetime corpus includes poems, pamphlets on religion, politics and the status of women, two autobiographical novels, journalistic articles and reviews for the Analytical Review and Monthly Magazine, didactive stories for children and the laboring classes, historical profiles of public female figures … radicals respected and supported her, conservatives condemned and satirised her.”

p. 149 both Wollstonecraft and Hays “highlighted… the interdependence of women’s political and economic marginalisation”.

p. 151 “Angelina … expresses Robinson’s condemnation of « the marriage market, the slave trade, and the ‘cruel business’ of war.”

p. 169 Mary Hays Appeal

“few, very few are the employments left iopen even for women of the inferior classes, by which they can secure independence, and to which without a doubt may be greatly attributed, the ruin of most of the sex, in the lower ranks.”

Mary Lamb, letter to British Lady’s Magazine and Monthly Miscellany  written under the pseudonym Sempronia corroborates Hill’s conclusion that the majority of women in the 18th century tended to work very hard, for many hours, at tasks that were heavy or unpleasant. But because the work was frequently unwaged, multioccupational, flexible, involving a range of skills and thus eluding straightforward definitions, their contributions risked being overlooked as secondary to those of men.”

p. 174 Mary Hays Appeal “the business appropriated by custom for women, are so very few in proportion to the number of candidates, that they are soon monopolised.”

p. 182 Priscilla Wakefield did not devote her entire life to rearing famous men, and she deserves a place in her own right within the history of economic thought: she has a claim to have founded the first savings bank in England and to have authored the most systematic exploration of women’s employment opportunities around 1800 – Reflections on Present Conditions of the Female Sex with Suggestions for its Improvement.”

p. 207 Mary Ann Radcliffe The Female Advocate drew on her own experiences. The whole of Radcliffe’s Memoirs document her struggle with this impossible role … the responsibility of maintaining herself and her children, even after they reached adulthood … a role she was not keen on having and felt badly equipped for.”

p. 258 “female authors disclose to what extent the economy of their times relies on a continuous and systematic disenfranchisement and exploitation of women. Since there is no alternative to the patriarchal economy, women must participate in it to secure their self-preservation and satisfy basic needs. Yet this coercive mechanism is concealed at the level of official discourse … the patriarchal economy maintains that it protects women”.

Books Environmental politics History

Notes from Planet of the Bugs: Evolution and the Rise of Insects

P. 18 “The Cambrian period has generally been called the “age of invertebrates”. That’s certainly not because anyone sought to glorify our invertebrate ancestry. It’s simply an observation that we didn’t initially see any of our vertebrate ancestors in fossils from Cambrian layers. Notice that we didn’t bcall it the “age of arthropods” or the “age of trilobites”, either of which would be apt. Calling it the “age of invertebrates” is a bit like calling it the “age of no humans”. The name subtly derides the success of arthropods by noting the absence of vertebrates rathar than touting the evolution of exoskeletons. But subsequently we did discover our likely vertebrate ancestor in Cambrian times, and what a humbling event that was. A small creature called Pikaia was discovered in the 515-million-year-old Burgess Shale fossils of Canada. Pikaia was a mere one and a half inch long worm-like creature that burrowed in bottom sediments. She was soft-bodied, but did have an internal supporting structure, a primitive notochord, the ancestral structure of a vertebral column. Pikaia is now regarded as the most likely common ancestor of fish, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs, birds, and mammals. But she was such a modest ancestor that nobody lobbied for a renaming of the Cambrian as the “age of Pakaia.. P. 19 “in the waters above, along cruised animals like Anomalocaris, a three-foot-long nightmarish predatory arthropod with long spiny feeding appendages. Anomalocaris paddled along in Cambrian seas, picking off whatever small animals it could catch – do doubt feasting on lots of trilobites. From time to time, Anomalocaris no doubt swooped down to pick off a tender Pikaia for dinner… there is evidence that some trilobites may have been predatory … but still, if Cambrian trilobites had become extensively predatory, then it’s exceedingly unlikely we would be here to pierce together this story.”

P. 71 “Examples of paleopteran insects (a term that means “old wings”), mayflies are among the oldest surviving insects with the most ancient sort of wing design. … a relict that developed flight about 330 million years ago in the Carboniferous times. .. The front wings are much larger than the back and provide most of the lift for flight. All four wings are simple, however, in that they are capable of moving only up and down: mayflies don’t have the ability to flex and twist their wings at the base, as most modern insects are able to do… Mayflies are not very strong or adept fliers. They can dod little more than flutter their wings and drift and glide in easy patterns. Birds catch them easily, and fish eat their fill as mayflies land on water. Yet all the predators in the neighbourhood can’t make a dent in a mayfly swarm… Immediately after mating, the female flies back to the lake, then lands and floats on the surface. If she is lucky enough not to be eaten by a fish, the mother mayfly quickly dumps her eggs into the water as she dies. The eggs sink to the bottom and the cycle of death and rebirth is repeated, just as it has been for 320 million years.”

P. 75 “In the early Carboniferous, most of today’s macroscopic and microscopic consumers of dead wood had not yet evolved. There were no birds, mammals, bees, wasps, bark beetles, wood-boring beetles, bark lice, termites or ants. Moreover, during the Devonian and Carboniferous times, plants became very tall by producing cellulose and lignin, which are very difficult for animals to digest. None of the earliest invests were able to digest raw wood as well. The giant Carboniferous horsetails, like modern horsetails, toughened their vascular tissues with large amounts of silica, making them virtually indigestible. So the late Devonian and Carboniferous really were special for their excess production of plant materials, not only because the moist climate and high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide favoured plant growth, but also because plants were able to produce more biomass than the herbivores could consume, for millions of years. The first important insect wood consumers – the wood roaches – did not appear until the Late Carboniferous. They were followed by the appearance of bark live and the diversification of wood-boring beetles in the PErmian. Over time, increasingly more complex communities of wood consumers evolved, and the global bulk production of plant materials of the Carboniferous has never been repeated.”

P. 87 During the Late Carboniferous, the giant griffenflies started chasing a new kind of insect that was tasty but harder to catch than the old net-winged ones. Neoptera, or the new-winged insects, were faster fliers and they had an original trick made possible by tiby articulating skeletal plates, called axillary, sclerites, in the membrane near their wing base. These allowed directional wing movements … they could twist their wings at the base, fold them back over their body, and put them away, making the neoptera much smaller than the older insects, which held their wings constantly outstretched, kitelike. … some were quick on their feet too. Quicky after landing, they would deftly fold their wings and run under a leaf or into cracks and crevices, making themselves tough targets for the air dragons. This was such a successful adaptation that before you could say “cockroach”, the tropical world was infested with them. Several groups of new-winged insects appeared during the Carboniferous, but the roaches (order Blattaria) were by far and away the most successful.. BY the Late Carboniferous there were more than 800 species, and they made up about 60% of the known Carboniferous insects… in terms of species diversity, we should probably call the Carboniferous period the “age of roaches”.

P. 90 “The wood roaches evolved a symbiotic relationship with their gut microorganisms and became the first effective macroconsumers of dead wood. The roaches in turn were the most abundant food source for a host of predators, including scorpions, spiders, centipedes, fish, amphibians, reptiles and the flying air dragons. So with the onset of the roaches an important turn occurred in the cycling of organic molecules. More biomass from plant material escaped the geological cycles of sedimentation and rock formation, and was cycled back into the living world by small animals. The great coal age was coming to an end.”

P. 114 “”Perhaps we can pick one singular moment when the Paleozoic era came to an end. I’d choose the particular day when the final trilobite died. What other creature better symbolises the entire era than the tribolute. Their reign in the oceans lasted for more than 300 million yeas, but some 252 million years ago, on a cloudy morning perhaps, the last one stopped feeding in a shallow tidal pool. Her body floated to the surface, and the retreating tide washed it ashore along with other trilobite carcasses…. There were no birds on that lonely beach, but there was a scurry of small feet,, as first one cockroach, then another, found the castaway body and consumed it. Maybe a lone beetle, preening its antennae on a log nearby, briefly flew down to inspect the scene and partake in the feast. Then it turned, unfolded its wings, and buzzed clumsily into the forest.”

P. 142 “Termites are often regarded as social cockroaches… it is generally agreed that termites evolved from roachlike ancestors, The key to termite behaviour and existence is the their ability to 

Digest cellulose from woody plants. Like their near cousins the wood roaches, they accomplished this difficult fear by housing symbiotic organisms in their digestive tracts. Like all other insects, they have an external skeleton, and their foregut and hindgut are lined with skeletal materials., Therefore, when they periodically molt their skeletons, termites lose their symbionts as well, and they must acquire new ones or else they will starve to death. They get their symbiotic gut microorganisms by a process called anal trophylaxis – literally by earting the feces of other termits.. Without ti some of the world’s most impressive and influential societies might never have evolved… solves another serious problem of subsisting in large societies: sewage removal.. Termites avoided all of this not only by eating their feces but also by using it to build tunnels and arches within their nests.”

P. 156 “The flowering plants, the blossom and fruit-producing organisms known to botanists as angiosperms, may have first evolved in the Jurassic period or earlier, but they were initially rare woody shrubs restricted to wet forest habitats. We have fossil flower pollen dating from the Early Cretaceous, 134 million years ago, and fossil leaves and flowers dating to 124 million years ago, and we know that by 120 million years ago the first angiosprems, including such recognisable species as water lillies and magnolias, quickly radiated and diversified. By the Middle Creatacsous, and on to the present day, angiosperms had become the dominant plant species… sweet nectar and nutritious pollen allowed flowers – and insects – to overrun the planet. Plants produce them in sacrificial abundance, enough to feed ravenous hordes of flies, beetles, wasps and moths … until the Cretaceous, their distribution was limited mostly by the constraints of wind pollination. But with the insects’ assistance – and thanks to the energetics of insect flight – plants at this time could spread their genetic material over long distances. Now they could exist as widely dispersed populations, scattered in forests with little wind movement.”