Monthly Archives: October 2006


How to make a computer system, and an NHS, work…

Via Tim Worstall’s weekly Britblog Roundup (a particularly good crop this week) I’ve found an excellent, obviously very informed Comment is Free piece by Daniel Davies about how continual “reforms” are making life impossible not just for NHS staff and teachers, but also for computer programmers. One big government system, (and in-house government not contracted-out government) has worked). But at least one factor in that is that change was specifically barred while it was being set up.

This reminds me of something I was taught very early on as an editor – not to use the word “reform” in a story – since that implied a value judgement about the action. You should say “changes” or similar. Sadly this doesn’t seem to have made it to London – I do try occasionally, but I’m swimming against the tide.

Carnival of Feminists

A feminist “free-for-all”

The Carnival of Feminists is coming up – this one on a Sunday (October 8 ) rather than a Wednesday, so you’ve got a bit of extra time to write or nominate – although that doesn’t mean you have to do it at the last minute…

Carnival No 24 will be on F-Words, and Sara has declared a “feminist free-for-all”. Any feminist topic you fancy – deadline Friday night.

Nominations via the Carnival submission form (preferred) or mail a submission with “Carnival 24” in the subject line to saraeanderson (at) gmail (dot) com.

Environmental politics

A Labour? government

How is it that Britain has a “Labour” government whose first thought is to privatise everything

Ministers are proposing an extraordinary scheme to tackle climate change in which the Amazon rainforest would be turned into an international trust and its trees sold to individuals and groups.
Plans for the wholesale “privatisation” of the rainforest will be raised by David Miliband, the Environment Secretary, at a summit in Mexico this week.
The scheme, endorsed by Tony Blair, aims to protect the plants and wildlife from logging. About 13 million hectares of the world’s forests are lost annually to deforestation, according to the Government.

Miliband admits there might be “sovereignty” issues…