Monthly Archives: December 2006

Environmental politics

‘Losing £1,000 a month’

I haven’t dug up the post, but I’m sure in the past I said that what we’ve got to do against “Chelsea tractors” is ensure that the bottom falls out of the second-hand market and then people will stop buying them.

And it is happening – prices and plummeting and sales are following:

Glass’s Guide, the leading guide to second-hand car prices, said that 4x4s were depreciating much faster this year than in previous years. A one-year-old BMW X5 is now worth only £38,800, compared with a purchase price of £63,397. A year ago a one-year-old X5, which cost £62,542 new, was worth £40,450.
Ian Archer, owner of Harringtons of Fulham, West London, said the high cost of fuel was also a factor.“It is always a difficult thing to tell an owner that their car is losing £1,000 a month.

And that Sian Berry, our Green Party candidate in tomorrow’s Kentish Town by-election, is quoted in The Times front page story is only icing on the cake…

POSTSCRIPT: Sian also appeared on Channel Four News and on Radio Two on the same subject today.

Women's history

Women of history still at risk

The good news is this particular woman, Mary Hamilton, courtier and one-time amour of the Prince Regent, is, hopefully, going to be saved for British history,. The bad news is that her papers could ever have got close to escaping the country.

The ‘sub-governess’ was an accomplished diarist and letter-writer and attempts are now being made to keep her extraordinary, largely unpublished letters and journals in this country.
A month ago David Lammy, the Arts Minister, put a temporary block on private plans to sell the archive abroad and last week the John Rylands university library in Manchester expressed an interest in buying the documents from the owners at the recommended price of £123,500 so that historians could have access to the fascinating picture she painted of court life in the late 1700s and early 1800s. The government decision on the export licence application for the archive will be deferred until 12 January, but this could be extended until early April in the light of a serious attempt to raise the money needed to buy it.

Feminism Politics

The Congo nightmare

Over on Comment is Free I’ve a piece on the horrific, beyond-nightmare, indeed beyond any adjective, violence being inflicted on tens of thousands of women in the Congo.

I argue there that empowering women – so cowardly attackers think twice – is the only solution.

Environmental politics

Who needs a beauty salon?

Walking the streets of Kentish Town tonight – yet more canvassing, or at least visiting Green voters we haven’t yet seen this time around – I was enjoying the pleasure – and it actually was quite pleasant, of wind-driven but very small rain droplets. Micro-abrasion for the complexion anyone?

But visiting Greens is a pleasant job – they’re a nice, characterful bunch, almost without exception.


Social change and political stasis in China

I don’t necessarily agree with all of it, but an interesting piece on the current state of China, including the mind-blowing statistic: “there are 123 million “netizens” in China, and 34 million of them are bloggers”.

I did think of learning Mandarin some two decades ago – not to was obviously a mistake!

Environmental politics

Penguins v Bush

… and the penguins just might win.

On Tuesday, the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) petitioned the US Fish and Wildlife Service to classify twelve kinds of penguins as “endangered” or “threatened.” The Center says the change could create legal leverage against activities that contribute to climate change or otherwise threaten the birds.

“We… believe that if and when penguins are listed,” said CBD staff attorney Kassie Siegel, “US entities that are responsible for large sources of greenhouse emissions will also be responsible for analyzing the impact of those emissions on listed species like penguins.”