Monthly Archives: March 2007


From the inbox

* Free delousing and social grooming – at least that’s the promise of the next edition of Four Stone Hearth, the anthropology carnival. For this one, you’ll have to settle short-legged aggressive primates and nudity in Scandanavia, and a warning that the opening pic may turn the stomach of vegetarians (and others).

* An American journalist finds a new perspective on the environment from Britain:

Ignorance is bliss until you step out of the carbon-guzzling garden; then it’s just downright embarrassing.
But what would it take to find a new lover in the Green Revolution? Even the British rhetorical tradition of environmental stewardship, which problematically implies that humans are the Earth’s caretakers rather than its guests, is largely that: mere rhetoric.

* Blogging a war: how the story has been told from the front line – powerful stuff.


Making a stand in Iran

Iranian women are bravely continuing their struggle to express their anger and frustration, despite a government crackdown.

Demonstrators Sunday carried signs pointing to articles in the Iranian Constitution that guarantee the right to peaceful protest. Activists said the arrests were made to preempt another gathering they had planned for Thursday. “They are afraid of the women’s movement, because there are some links between them and journalists, nongovernmental organizations, and they cooperate with [foreign] NGOs,” says Isa Saharkhiz, a former editor and reformist.


Freecycling is its own reward

Having reluctantly decided that I won’t be getting another dog any time soon, I decided to freecycle the half-sack of pigs’ ears in the storeroom – and my reward was a short cuddle with a gorgeous and wildly appreciative white Staffie. Definitely worth the small effort of organisation!


Not a post-feminist age

Over on Comment is Free I’ve a piece about Saturday’s Sheffield feminist conference – its thesis that if there ever was a period of conflict between feminist generations, it seems to have passed, and this age of young feminists is more aware of issues of race and class than perhaps were their foremothers.


Britblog on the road

This week’s edition is up at Poons, ranging nicely across the political and subject spectrums.

For the record I’ll note that I’d call myself a Green feminist rather than an eco-feminist – but I’m not going to get too into hair-splitting…. still too many things to do this evening!

Environmental politics

Just a minor insanity

How institutional arrangements create greenhouse gases: a jet flies, empty, between London and Cardiff six days a week, so an airline can keep a slot at Heathrow.