Monthly Archives: March 2007

Environmental politics Travel

For Londoners and visitors

You often come across visitors, and all too frequently locals, in London putting together incredibly complicated Tube journeys when they could walk the trip quickly and easily. The visitors have some excuse, since the standard Tube map, while a brilliant piece of graphic art, often doesn’t show you how close on the ground stations on different lines can be.

But now no one will have an excuse, for they can consult this map, giving walking times between various central London Tube stations.

(Hat-tip to Rashbre.)


‘I should be on the train’

…a slight variation from 1,000 overheard conversations.

Yes I should now be winging, or at least trundling, my way to Sheffield, but for a small salutory experience I shall share for general edification.

You can on book two single tickets together, on the same email, to and from the same place, on the same date, and somehow it will manage to give you two Quickticket reference numbers, without in any way alerting you to that fact.

So when I came tearing into St Pancras station with a whole two minutes to spare (ok, that’s my fault, but it is what I always do and I am unlikely to change now) scoop your tickets from the machine, jog up to the man on the gate and then find yourself with only the tickets marked Sheffield to London, which prove ineffective in the circumstances.

The story does, however, have a fairly happy ending, thanks to a very pleasant and helpful Midland Mainline clerk. So I am now waiting for the 10,25 with a handwritten ticket in my wallet, without having parted with any more cash.

And wondering when British rail companies will introduce the ‘print them yourself’ tickets that would save all this hassle.


It was a slob what did it

It seems about 3.3m years ago a hominid was too lazy to make his or her own bed and hopped into a handy gorilla’s one – probably after the gorilla had got out. And that was how the human race acquired what would be pubic lice.


An elder stateswoman forced to flee

Dr. Nawal al-Sadaawi is the elder stateswoman of Egyptian feminism, indeed world feminism – one of the first writers to expose to the West the horror of female genital mutilation and at the age of 76 still an activist.

Yet it appears (I’m aware that this is an Israel source and Dr Sadaawi is not quoted in it) she has been forced to flee Egypt after decades of withstanding fundamentalist pressure.

(And a nastily slanted piece in the Middle East Times – to which I won’t link although it wouldn’t be hard to find – appears to confirm it.)


Can a writer beat an agent?

… and just how much of a bastard can an agent be?

Those are the questions posed by a new play that opened last night at The Old Red Lion. My review is over on My London Your London.

Feminism History

My International Women’s Day celebration

Over on Comment is Free I’ve celebrated a few of my favourite women from history.

(I’ve also discovered that you shouldn’t use unnumbered lists on CiF – sorry about the formatting!