Monthly Archives: June 2007


But what does it mean?

This video has provoked an interesting discussion on a women’s studies email list to which I belong – can you see in it women’s gazes gradually beoming more direct and challenging, is it just a demonstration of the limited idea of beauty (limited particularly by race) in the West, or it a demonstration of the homogenising white male gaze?


Inhuman treatment

Over on Comment is Free I have a piece about horrible mistreatment of an 18-year-old asylum-seeker, here in Britain since the age of 14, who has beenn torn from her children – including the young baby who was breastfeeding – and only reunited with them by the efforts of campaigners. She was due to be deported today – I’m trying now to find out what happened to her.

P.S. Don’t read the comments if you are sensitive – there are some horrible ones in there.