Monthly Archives: June 2007


Forget the ‘traditional family’

The Economist has summarised the current birth rates of European states. The conclusion:

…only countries with many births outside wedlock and with high female participation rates have reasonably high birth rates. Those that have sought to maintain traditional family ties have seen fertility collapse.


Honouring and remembering…

You are invited to attend a remembrance service in memory and deep respect to Banaz Mahmod Babakir Agha a victim of the so called Honour killing
“Banaz never had a funeral, her grave is without a name or a memorial, let us pay her the respect she deserves”
Organised by the Combating “Honour” Based Violence Forum on Tuesday 26th June 2007 from 1-4 pm
At 1pm
* The remembrance service will start with a meeting to share our memories, thoughts and experiences about Banaz and other victims of the so called Honour Killing.
* Venue: Morden Assembly Hall, Turdo Drive, Morden, Surrey SM4 4PJ

I can’t make it due to work, but have the full details if you can. Reading police pledges (again!) to do better to protect women, I shivered at this paragraph:

In one instance where she had escaped from her father, she was not taken seriously, and described as melodramatic and manipulative by an officer who interviewed her.


No, I’m not recommending you try this…

Still, putting your computer keyboard in the dishwasher does, as an idea, have a certain seductive charm.

That’s particularly if like me, you will not buy a kitchen implement unless it can be so treated – life is too short to wash dishes, and keyboards?


Note to chuggers…

Camden High Street in the market area isn’t a great place to ply your trade – everyone will automatically assume you are a drug dealer if you approach them cold in the street…

Apologies to the person I told to “piss off” today – I didn’t spot that your T-shirt was all wrong for a dealer until afterwards. I’m usually marginally more polite to chuggers.

Arts History

Final chance for a first view

Over on My London Your London I’ve a review of A New World – England’s First View of America at the British Museum – a fine exhibition that closes on Sunday – last chance to view, as they say…

Environmental politics Feminism

Free development and gender articles

From the inbox:

Oxfam GB Publishing has selected articles on ‘civil society’ from two journals, Development in Practice and Gender & Development. These are free to download until the end of July. Please also find a selection of Oxfam books available to download from the Oxfam Publishing web, and a short video clip.
To access these free articles and other downloads from Oxfam, please visit.

I was particularly taken by a piece about the place of dalit activists within Indian feminism. I did a little consultancy work in India and the class/caste position of the people with whom I was working did worry me, although as an outsider it is hard to know what to do about it.