Monthly Archives: January 2008


Don’t get too excited

… about the new Australian “Labour” government, given facts such as this:

The Rudd Government has locked itself into a controversial Commonwealth formula that delivered to NSW private schools a 22 per cent increase in annual funding from $1.2 billion in 2003 to $1.6 billion last year, taking into account inflation. Last year’s figure is the federal budget estimate.
State Government support for independent schools has risen by 18 per cent, to $708 million, over the same period.
Schools continued to receive more public money even though they were making profits from parents who will face fee increases of up to 10 per cent this year.


Risk and fear and precautions

Just landing in my inbox is the following: is the website side of a recently started women’s community aimed at women’s safety. The website is just one side, Safe Women also has a secure server kept at a separate location, that is not accessible via the internet, for you to send picture messages or texts to so that there are details held of where you are or who you are with.
For example, you take a cab home after working late or on a night out. You take a picture of the registration number of the cab and send it to the Safe Women number. Once in the cab you let the driver know that you are a member of Safe Women and that you have sent the details of the cab to a secure server.

It is easy to say good idea – taking control. Sure if this encourages women to go out when they want to when they otherwise might not through fear, then it could be a good thing.

But is this dealing with the worst risks that women actually face – which is being in a vehicle on the road in the first place, rather than that of assault by a male? Wouldn’t a tyre tread gauge to help judge if the vehicle is roadworthy be more useful?

AND, is it not further promulgating the idea that public space is a dangerous place for women where they have to take precautions – quite elaborate precautions – to look after themselves?

The risk of assault from a stranger is exceedingly low – and higher for men than for women – so why is this not directed at men?

Arts History

Sleeping and dreaming, or mixing science and art

Over on My London Your London I’ve a report on my visit to the “Sleeping and dreaming” exhibition at the Wellcome collection – a bit of science, a bit of art, a bit of history, some snappy trivia – it might not make a whole, but as an approach it has interesting possibilities.


WordPress mystery: comments not being emailed

My comments are set to be emailed to me, on three different blog installations, but this isn’t happening. I don’t _think_ this is associated with an update, although I know I did install one semi-recently. Anyone else had the problem, or solved it?

Environmental politics

Behaviour can change

Australian cities are running out of water. But this does provide a case study showing that human behaviour can change when the urgency of a problem:

In 1974, daily use per person was 464litres. In 2006-07, it was 328litres.

But, unfortunately, Australian cities are still running out of water…