Monthly Archives: April 2008

Environmental politics

Click now – and beat those BAA drones

I get a lot of “please vote in this survey” emails in my inbox, and I seldom share them, but this one demands action: the BBC has a poll on whether Heathrow should be allowed a sixth terminal and third runway.

Currently it is only 40% “no”, which surely means BAA must have all of its workers frantically clicking away – running back and forth from their catching up on the baggage handling duties at Terminal Five.


Good news for Kings Cross and St Pancras cyclists

The Camden Cyclist newsletter arrives with some good news – after much lobbying council has agreed to signpost a route out of these two stations down to the main east/west London cycle route.

It is possible to get out along a reasonably quiet route now details here – but only if you know the area extremely well. The one-way streets and twisting route is otherwise pretty well impossible.

Now all we need is a way to get across Euston Station/railways north of the Euston Road… (here there is also a route, if a roundabout one, cutting across a council estate, but you wouldn’t know it from a map, and there are no signs).