Monthly Archives: November 2008


Women and action

Sex workers in San Francisco are campaigning for decriminalisation. And while it seems that originally the ballot proposition was considered a bit of a joke, there’s now serious thoughts that it might pass. Which reminded me of a discussion that I had this week with someone who said the Green Party policy on this was “brave”. But actually I think this is a sensible policy that while sure papers such as the Daily Mail go mad over, ordinary voters see the sense in.

Less controversially, well done to the female MPs in Iraq who staged a parliamentary walkout after the speaker “quipped that women make poor leaders because they are easily distracted by worries their husband might take a second wife”. The men found that they didn’t have a quorum without the women – and hopefully the women will see the power of this action and be able to use it as a positive force in future.

… an argument (if one were needed) for the More Women More Power campaign, the launch of which I attended this week.

(And I was going to add something about Britain’s ‘Satanic slut’ controversy, but Amity Read over on The F-Word has done it so well I feel no need to add anything.)