Monthly Archives: September 2006


Don’t tell UKIP…

… but it seems Britons are predominately genetically Basques, descended from the settlers who arrived in Britain from about 12,000 to 7,000 years ago (before the land bridge to the rest of the Continent was broken).

The English still derive most of their current gene pool from the same early Basque source as the Irish, Welsh and Scots. These figures are at odds with the modern perceptions of Celtic and Anglo-Saxon ethnicity based on more recent invasions. There were many later invasions, as well as less violent immigrations, and each left a genetic signal, but no individual event contributed much more than 5 per cent to our modern genetic mix.

Environmental politics

Killer fact of the Green Party conference…

It takes six pints of water to produce one cotton bud.
(That’s from the Environmental Justice Foundation.)

Blogging/IT On other media

Why I am a Green

Over on Comment is free I’ve got a post written as I set out for the Green Party conference. It explains why I’m happy to be a Green and nothing about today has changed my view.

Also there I’ve a summary of some of the day one education discussion, which was enlightening if sometimes depressing.

I’m writing this from Hove beach. The sky is blue, the sun is warm, the seagulls are swooping and the dogs playing, but I’ll be back in conference soon. Honest.


Echinacea – this week it works

As a person who gets a cold every time I catch public transport once the weather has left dead summer (or at least it often feel like that), I had tried echinacea. But it is hard to tell wiith a case study of one whether it is working – my colds usually last two weeks and “flus” a month … so it all blurs after a while.

But after reading some apparently definitive study or another I gave up on echinacea. But it seems I’ll have to try it again:

Use of echinacea, or extract of the purple coneflower, before the onset of full-blown symptoms of the common cold reduces the incidence by more than a half and the duration by almost two full days, researchers reported here at the annual meeting of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology.


And a bit more of the party

The Carnival of Asian History is up on the delightfully named Mutant Frog Travelogue. Having been to North Korea I’ve got a particular interest in the place, so was fascinated by the link to a story about border issues there, but there’s much more … a syllabus for a course on Japanese women, for example. Do go over and check it out.

Carnival of Feminists

Carnival of Feminists… drumroll please

Over on Lingual Tremors is the spectacular Carnival of Feminists No 23. The “special subject” is Feminism and Health, and there are some moving, scarey, empowering, enlightening posts on the subject. There’s also a special focus on the story that keeps being forgotten, but with which hundreds of thousands of women are still suffering – Darfur. But don’t stay here – do go over and check it out…!