Monthly Archives: September 2006

Early modern history Women's history

The woman question is the biggie…

Speaking of Oxford as a royalist stronghold during the English Civil War:

Anthony Wood – or Anthony a Wood, as he styled himself – was an Oxford type, a kind of person still to be found in the city’s narrow streets. He liked to spend his afternoons picking up old ballads, broadside and pamphlets … He had … 35 items on Conduct, and 660 on Armies, including battles, sieges and civil war. He also collected accounts of treason trials, crimes and murders (357), smoking, cards, feasting, progresses and sideshows (56), and works on the radical sects – among whom he included Presbyterians (179) – and on witchcraft (42) and women (139). He was especially careful about cataloguing the last group, indexing them under ‘Women’s advocate; women’s vindications, women virtuous; women hist of; Women’s rhetroic; women’s history’ Wom Parl. If; Women modish and vanity; women excellent.”

From, Diane Purkiss, The English Civil War: A People’s History, Harper Press, 2006. p. 277

Women's history

The powerful women of Bengal

Over on My London Your London I’ve an account of the Myths of Bengal exhibition at the British Museum. It has wonderful striking images of powerful women – unfortunately they’re all goddess, and they all get tamed in the end.

But the exhibition also has some lovely domestic quilts, that show women making the most of the opportunities available to them, such as the one from which this detail of British soldiers is taken …


How to produce a school newspaper

Getting into my new role as a school governor, I’ve been to an introductory meeting, which exposed me to a whole new forest of acronyms – the really vital thing is that the school’s SEF (self-evaluation form) is up-to-date, I gather, while school inspectors aren’t that any more, they are Link Improvement Partners…

And I’ve visited the school, which was fascinating (what a job teachers have!) And I’ve got myself a little extra job of my own to help out – which is why I’ve been reading around how to start a school newspaper … the BBC is helpful, while the TES has a good discussion on it.


Due to popular demand…

… well that’s what they always say: a couple more Brittany pictures.


As I said before, Brittany does mist really well. This is over Étang de Kerloquet, near the main alignment of standing stones.
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Carnival of Feminists

Get nominating!

Don’t forget that the next Carnival of Feminists is approaching fast: it will be on Lingual Tremours on Wednesday. She’s generously left the nominations open until Monday night, but remember it isn’t obligatory to do it at the last minute!

Suggested theme: women and healthcare.

Email lingualx AT yahoo DOT com or you can use the Blog Carnival nomination form.

Don’t miss out!


History Carnival

Over now on the History News Network with Ralph E. Luker: you can vicariously experience “Practical Archaeology for Beginners”, visit some “war on terror” medieval strippers, and some new ideas for Google search to work on.

Do check it out!