Due to popular demand…

… well that’s what they always say: a couple more Brittany pictures.


As I said before, Brittany does mist really well. This is over Étang de Kerloquet, near the main alignment of standing stones.


The shells of Plage du Men-Du. Those little paired ones on the right are cockles – which must be extremely common given the number of locals out hunting them at low tide by raking through the sand – with rakes, hands or anything else handy. A friendly cockler explained to me that by law you can’t take ones smaller than 3cm across, and that as long as they are closed they are safe to eat.

I tried it out for myself and in a minute or so found a couple. I let them go though, being an Anglo softie. They expel little gusts of water from their shells to bury themselves back in the sand.

The big triangle in the centre is a very bleached oyster shell – there are lots of “wild” ones growing on the rocks. (Also being harvested by the locals.)

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