Monthly Archives: November 2006


A human right women still must fight for

Over on Comment is Free I’ve a piece arising from an Abortion Rights public meeting that I attended this week. It is something that I’ve thought a lot about, but not taken much action on lately.

Next year will be the 40th anniversary of women in England, Scotland and Wales (though not Northern Ireland) achieving the limited abortion rights they have now. Many may be shocked by that “limited” label, but the fact still is that a woman can’t decide for herself – she has to get two doctors’ approval. And finding two doctors to agree probably isn’t very hard for an articulate middle-class woman in London, but for other social groups can be a lot harder.

As the NUS speaker said, the old chant still applies: “Not the church, not the state, women must control their fate.”

I’ve decided to get actively involved in this – more on the subject soonish…

Blogging/IT Miscellaneous Travel

Even emoticons have accents

The great thing, you’d think, about sign language, is that it is universal. A smiley face is a smiley face; you don’t need words.

But you’d be wrong. 🙂

I was corresponding by IM with a friend in Korea and thereby learnt that a smile in Korean web-writing is ^^, and a frown ^-^.

Which reminds me of one time in eastern Syria when I was trying to get a taxidriver to take me to the train station. Phrasebook Arabic didn’t work, so I had a brainwave and signalling with a pulling down motion with my arm, as you’d operate a train whistle, and said “choo choo”. Smiles all around; he understood perfectly!

Shortly afterwards, we arrived at the church – complete with bells. I caught the bus in the end.

Blogging/IT Environmental politics

100 Green Bloggers!

In a spectacular piece of bloggery, Jim on The Daily (Maybe) has collected a listing of 100 Green bloggers (a neat balance to an insignificant little list of political bloggers that managed to entirely ignore the Greens earlier this year.)

And I’m urging you to have a look at it not because he’s also got a top ten on which he’s asking people to vote, on which he’s kindly included Philobiblon, but because you’ll find some great new bloggers there.

You’ll also be pointed there to the blog of the new Male Principal Speaker of the Green Party, Derek Wall.

The blog of Sian Berry, the Female Principal Speaker, has been on my blogroll for some time. (The focus is less on her at the moment, BTW, in case you were wondering, since she was elected unopposed in September, while the poll for her male counterpart was a postal ballot, the result of which was only announced today.)

Environmental politics

Dry Australia

As bushfires rage in many parts of south-eastern Australia – there are some, small signs, that the nation is starting to wake up to the reality of its climate: well, it has only taken a couple of centuries.

When I was a kid the – rather artificial – rivalry between its two biggest cities, Sydney and Melbourne, was often played out over climate – Melbourne was wet, grey, dismal, we Sydneysiders said, although it was admitted that the state of Victoria in which it is set was greener than NSW – more like “Home” as the early settlers put it.

Yet now, Melbourne too is drying up: the dams supplying its water are at 42% of capacity.

There’s nothing new about this; it’s clear the old insults were just stereotypes, for:

“Water restrictions have been enforced in Melbourne 15 times in the past 67 years and, most recently, Victorians have been battling drought and its consequences for eight consecutive years.”

Yet don’t feel too sorry for those Melbournians: “At a time when the United Nations Development Program is urging governments to guarantee each person at least 20 litres of clean water a day … the average Melbourne household uses 685 litres each day.”


Carnival of Bad History No 11

So what is the Carnival of Bad History? That is a question I’ve spent a lot of time answering in the past couple of weeks, to thoughts along the lines of “but aren’t carnivals about good things?” So perhaps we should call it “the carnival of good posts about bad history”, but then that’s a bit of a mouthful, so I guess we’re stuck with the current title.

So what are my qualifications for hosting? Well by profession I’m a journalist – which means I belong to the group very often responsible for some of the worst excesses of bad history. I was thinking back to all of the history stories I’ve written over the years; I suspect the worst would have been 250 words on a 100-year-old stuffed armadillo. One of those last-minute things – here was a picture. Write about it. Wouldn’t be that hard now, but this was in the pre-internet age… so I fear what I did was repeat every cliche I’d ever heard about the Victorians. Luckily, however, this WAS the pre-internet age, so the evidence is hidden in yellowing newsprint in the archives.

That doesn’t make me sound like much of the host, so I guess I’d better also tell my “good” bad history story. I made a small mark with people of a kind who (sadly) no longer matter a jot at The Times (London) when I pointed out the problem with some famous columnist’s rhetorical use of Ozymandias, who the writer had building pyramids. But, I said, Ozymandias – or at least the statue that inspired Shelley – was Ramses the Great, who would not even have thought of constructing such – pyramids being about a millennia out of fashion. Yes – it might be an arcane point, but it is the sort of thing that still gets retired professors writing to The Times, or bloggers warming up their fingers.

So, without further ado… the carnival. And since just as the last refuge for a journalist out of ideas is alliteration, the last refuge of a historian out of ideas is chronology, this is roughly arranged by date – but complaints of bad chronology will not be entertained…

So I’ll start with a bit of very early prehistory – otherwise known as paleontology – as thought about in 1807 by Charlotte Smith. She was working her way from very bad history – fossils as freaks of nature, towards a more scientific explanation.

Staying, to be technical, prehistoric – Stonehenge. On Jennie’s Rambles, she reminds readers, and her students, that it “is NOT some giant sundial! “ (But it is a rather funny cartoon… Sorry!)

For Glaukopidos, ancient imperialism is being, it seems repeated. Describing other gods as “equivalents” to certain Greek and Roman gods is seriously inaccurate, she suggests.

I’m not sure that I’d agree with everything in this post, but on The Unknown Islam, Abu Sahajj has some interesting thoughts in The Unknown Islam in America – the bad history lying in the fact the refusal to acknowledge some of it.

On Walking the Berkshires, GreenmanTim tries to tease the good history from the bad in the story of Sarah Bishop, the Hermit of West Mountain, a woman who chose to live for 30 years alone in a small cave in the wilderness in the late 18th and early 19th century.

I’ve rejected several nominations that seemed to me to refer only to contemporary American politics, without historical focus at all, but I had no problems including a submission for Orac’s post on Respectful Insolence about the comparisons between the Iraq War and the American Civil War. Whatever you think about the former, it is clear that the account of the latter is being twisted for political purposes.

Now I’m not sure this post really deserves to be here – it seems rather fun history to me, but it was nominated, so check out on Mark A Rayner’s The Skwib, the The Lost PowerPoint Slides (Henri Bergson Edition). And yes for the literal-minded, I have noticed there was no Powerpoint back then – lucky them!

Bad history about the Jews is not hard to find in history, but Brett D. Hirsch on Sound and Theory has found in a 1938 anti-Semitic children’s book just how antisemites are either “lazy, or just plain unoriginal?”

Some of the controversies here are just going to run and run, and that’s certainly true of the debate about the aims and actions of Arthur “Bomber” Harris in Dresden and other places. Brett Holman on Airminded takes issue with “Orac’s post critiquing Richard Dawkins’ comments”. (Yes I did cut and paste that to make sure I got it right.)

And then there’s that other Bad History Carnival regular – the Hitler comparison. Joerg W has collected a stack of them on Atlantic Review.

Then finally – a post so broad in chronology that I couldn’t place it in the run above: On Westminster Wisdow, Gracchi finds an Anglican Anachronism – a modern-day bishop projecting back his own views on democracy to the past.

I hope you found that a good display of bad history. Now just as when you write a column about grammar you’re bound to get picked up on some such error within, I’m sure I’ll have made an error in here somewhere. Please consider it a further display of bad history, and correct it immediately…

Environmental politics

An excellent portrait of the Green Party

… astonishingly to be found in the Financial Times magazine.

As you’d expect, it is rather good on explaining the fundamentally different foundations of Green economics:

If George W. Bush didn’t exist, the Green party would have had to invent him. The saboteur of Kyoto is the embodiment of what the Green Economics Institute calls homo economicus – “a western, white, middle-class man, [whose] standard model in economics has left out most of the experiences of most people in the world”. By contrast, the Greens emphasise that the Greek root of economics, “oikia”, means “home”, leading them to accentuate the “care, reciprocity, direct production and maintenance of human beings” as opposed to “competitive production and exchange in markets”.

And who can resist quoting this sentence, on climate change? Not me.

The other thing the Greens have going for them is that they are, in essence, right.

This seems a good place to point out the absolute last and final call for green bloggers: if you are one and you think Jim on The Daily (Maybe) might not know about you, pop over to leave your URL. It is your last chance to go down in history – well at least on the first-ever listing of the top 100 green bloggers.