A human right women still must fight for

Over on Comment is Free I’ve a piece arising from an Abortion Rights public meeting that I attended this week. It is something that I’ve thought a lot about, but not taken much action on lately.

Next year will be the 40th anniversary of women in England, Scotland and Wales (though not Northern Ireland) achieving the limited abortion rights they have now. Many may be shocked by that “limited” label, but the fact still is that a woman can’t decide for herself – she has to get two doctors’ approval. And finding two doctors to agree probably isn’t very hard for an articulate middle-class woman in London, but for other social groups can be a lot harder.

As the NUS speaker said, the old chant still applies: “Not the church, not the state, women must control their fate.”

I’ve decided to get actively involved in this – more on the subject soonish…


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