Monthly Archives: March 2007

Carnival of Feminists

Get into the big top…

The next Carnival of Feminists (no 35 for those who like to keep score) is coming up fast, on April 4, and I think I can safely predict that on The F-Word, it is going to be a biggie. Now’s a good time to get your nominations in.


The perfect storm hasn’t broken…

… work, house (one sold, one to be bought – soon), Green Party, other work … all a little out of control just now, so there won’t be much substantive blogging here at least for a few days, but I have taken a minute to browse an exploration of the “ugly Australian” traveller. Do you find your accent makes you welcome, or sees you shunned? (I found Crete was the place where it had the most currency, but I am talking of almost two decades ago.)

Otherwise, I’ve been musing on the appropriate collective noun for a group of pizza delivery motorbike riders (a “swarm”, a buzz”?), after seeing a collection outside a shop this afternoon – must have been at least a dozen.


A perfect storm ends in a whirl of sound

You might have noticed I haven’t been here as much as usual lately; that’s because I’ve been caught in something of a perfect storm of work and life pressures.

One of these has now at least ended – well until next week, and every week after, when it will be back again, but hopefully much easier later times around – which was the production of the Guardian Weekly’s first podcast – “hear the voices of the Guardian”, as we say. (No complicated technology required – just click the play button just like on a cassette player.)

Some 15 years ago I was doing a bit of work for ABC Radio Tamworth, which involved, among other things, editing reel-to-reel tape with a razor blade. Happily now it is a bit easier, but getting on top of the technology does take a little while…

Now I’m off to the Green Party conference in Swansea – of which, provided the conference WiFi is working, you should hear a lot more.


Carnival of Feminists No 34

Drumroll please…

Over on is A Somewhat Old, But Capacious Handbag the Carnival of Feminists No 34.

What can I say? It is a handbag that you really wouldn’t want to lug around unless you’re seriously into weight-lifting. It’s big; it’s huge; it’s stupendous, and it goes on a long journey around the globe.

So please don’t waste time here – do go over there and check it out!


Mac-lovers look away now

Grrrr – I hate Macs; I’d love it if anyone could tell me why, when you are doing a simple drag and drop copy of a file, they half the time manage to create an alias rather than a proper copy….

Yes, I have been using PCs for 20 years, but why are Macs so utterly non-intuitive?!!!!


Yeah Spain…

Another exciting sign that some of the priest-infested parts of Europe are breaking out in a big way – Spain has passed a dramatic equality law that will force political parties to ensure 40% of candidates are women, demands business take steps toward gender equality, and provides real provision for paternal leave at birth, has passed in the parliament.

Worth noting at this point that the current Spanish cabinet is 50% female – as opposed to the British, ahhh, not very many…