A perfect storm ends in a whirl of sound

You might have noticed I haven’t been here as much as usual lately; that’s because I’ve been caught in something of a perfect storm of work and life pressures.

One of these has now at least ended – well until next week, and every week after, when it will be back again, but hopefully much easier later times around – which was the production of the Guardian Weekly’s first podcast – “hear the voices of the Guardian”, as we say. (No complicated technology required – just click the play button just like on a cassette player.)

Some 15 years ago I was doing a bit of work for ABC Radio Tamworth, which involved, among other things, editing reel-to-reel tape with a razor blade. Happily now it is a bit easier, but getting on top of the technology does take a little while…

Now I’m off to the Green Party conference in Swansea – of which, provided the conference WiFi is working, you should hear a lot more.


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