My first academic publication

It has taken a while – I wrote the piece the best part of 18 months ago – but my first academic article has just been published, Resurrecting Our Foremothers: My Hopes as a Biographer, Journalist, and Blogger. It is on Thirdspace, a feminist internet journal “for emerging scholars”. (You might call mine a slow hatching, since I suspect most of the other contributors are rather younger.)

It draws for theory on my Mass Comm thesis, and in practice on my early experiences of blogging. Were I to be writing it now, it would include of course references to the Carnival of Feminists, but re-reading it now (when I’d pretty well forgotten what it contained) I am struck by the fact that there is a single theme in what I do, even though it is not obvious. From Miss Frances William Wynn’s account of Princess Caroline and the pumpkin, to Friday Femmes Fatales, what I am trying to do is bring women to greater prominence, to preserve and propagate their words and thoughts.

Gosh, there is some sort of coherence after all …

Do look too at other items in the journal, particularly “Writing Bridges: Memoir’s Potential for Community Building”.

Elsewhere, I recently came across a more literary feminist journal, Trivia: Voices of Feminism. (I think they are taking postmodern irony too far in the title, but there is some interesting stuff there.)


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