The end of the Blairs?

Tony Blair is looking more frazzled and fragile by the day, but it is Sir Ian, who really, surely can’t last much longer. The Metropolitan Police Commission is now facing questioning under caution over the shooting by his officers of the Jean Charles de Menezes, the innocent electrician who was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Si Ian reacted at the time as though this was a minor unfortunate incident, as though the two-year-old hadn’t made it to the pottie on time. Since then he’s demonstrated further his sheer cloddishness (comments on the Soham murders) and, again, his total disrespect – indeed seemingly lack of awareness of the existence of – basic human rights, such as privacy, by secretly taping conversations with his superiors.

But this might, hopefully, be the final straw to get rid of a dangerously incompetent man: he has two defences – he didn’t know what was going on in his own force, or he lied about it. Good choice.

BTW: for non-British readers, these Blairs aren’t related, even though it sometimes looks like they are.
Try to always find some good news, and today’s is a campaign against forced marriages.

THE actress and writer Meera Syal attacked forced marriages yesterday and told parents to stop sacrificing their children’s lives. Syal, star of The Kumars at No 42, joined a government campaign that warns parents that they face prosecution if they force their children into marriage.
Television commercials and press advertisements will spearhead a drive to educate them about the difference between arranged and forced marriages. They will feature two hands wearing wedding rings chained together.


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