Beauty and fashion as a cultural construct

This is a postcard postmarked in Bristol at 10pm on April 11, 1907, labelled “Miss Edna May”. That anyone could have considered that hat a flattering or attractive piece of fashion is beyond me…

I think this must be the actress who was born Edna May Nutter (can see why she dropped the surname…) although the photographer (or perhaps retoucher) has done a good job in this pic in hiding her “horse face”. (Who says the past was genteel?)

The message on the back, sent to a Miss E.M. Ingles of 71 Marle Hill Pde, Cheltenham, is equally blunt: “Dear Eva, Just a postcard to help you on. Can you let know by Sunday morn. the name of the Sec.y of the Education Cmm.ttee for Cheltenham. That means I want a letter. Yours etc. Percy.”

The tone is definitely exasperated and blunt. You have to wonder why it mattered…

UPDATE: Thanks to Penny, who in the comments pointed out that I had the wrong actress Edna May.


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