Art and culture

This is the title of an interesting-looking magazine out of Turkey, with a focus on the meeting of eastern and western cultures, which you can find here. They only have abstracts on the web, but still worth a look.
Two typical stories juxtapose Byzantine amulets and Ottoman talismanic seals.
The Byzantine: “Talismans or amulets were also hung at the doors of houses and churches, in graveyards, and on the cradles of infants. Small bronze bells known as tintinnabula were similarly believed to chase away evil spirits. The 4th century monk Ioannes Khrysostomos recommended a crucifix instead of a bell hung around children’s necks or attached to their clothing as a means of protection.”
The Ottoman: “The relationship of these beliefs with religion is not always a comfortable one, however. Where the Islamic faith is concerned, the Prophet Muhammad specifically prohibited the use of magic, warning that such practices were harmful and a violation of religious principles. Believers were advised to recite certain prayers from the Koran as protection against the evil eye and magic.”
A posting on H-Asia tells me a “women in art” edition is on the way.


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