You’re in an elite minority

… but it is getting to be a rather large minority. The statistics are a little confused, but a report on one of the Daily Telegraph blogs (and who’d have thought I’d be writing that a year ago?) says “16 million people in Europe’s five biggest countries are regular blog readers. Of those, almost four million have created a blog or posted on one.”

The report also quotes a figure of 10 per cent of Europeans reading blogs. When you think about all of the language issues (are there many blogs in say Latvian? probably not a huge number I’d expect), then that is a huge figure. And 25 per cent of them actually participating is astonishing.

Perhaps it is not such a surprise that the Telegraph’s web front page (a nicely uncluttered design) gives about 10 per cent of the space to its blogs. (For non-UK readers, the Telegraph is traditionally the paper of “disgruntled of Tunbridge Wells”, the small “c” conservative, “Middle England”, change-resistant suburbanites of “a certain age” and above.)

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