A touch of Tweedie

My copy of the second Jill Tweedie book, More from Martha: Further Letters from a Fainthearted Feminist arrived this morning, and surprise, surprise I’m already half-way through, but I am going to go to sleep soon, honest.

A small sample, proving my papal theme unusually persistent this week:
“I thought the picture of you and Mo as the Pill, in a yellow dinghy, was very novel …
Anyway, you’re right, the Pope has to be lobbied on behalf of women, though it’ll do no good. You can’t get at Infallibles, you see. They just turn around and say look, you horrible little person. I’m infallible and I’m wearing my infallible Hat, so shut up while I’m talking or I’ll excommunicate you. Josh has a fit of the infallibles once a week, so I know the symptoms…” (p. 51)

Prescient words, those “it’ll do no good”.

More about the Jill Tweedie.

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