A cricket match, between Females

A complete report from the The Salisbury And Winchester Journal
and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
of Monday, August 2, 1819, records that a team of married women took on a team of single women, the later, presumably younger and fitter, winning comfortably. “One of them played particularly well, and seldom missed a hit.” (Unfortunately none of the players are named.)

And these were “professionals” – “we understand that a subscription amounting to £15 was divided amongst them, the winners of course having the greatest share”.

As a cricketer – without qualifier, although I am usually the only “Female” on the pitch – nice to read about my predecessors.

Thanks the C-18 poster for this reference, which also has a selection of interesting other articles, including of course the inevitable dog story, from the same journal, but on Monday, August 26, 1782 …

“Yesterday a young man leaped from the centre of Battersea-bridge, to swim up river against time for a wage of five guineas, but he was instantly followed by a Newfoundland dog, belonging to a casual passenger, who seized him by the arm, and without drawing blood, dragged him to shore, to the infinite merriment of a great number of spectators, who joined in paying a tribute of praise to this sagacious and generous animal.”


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