Elizabeth Love, pensioner and centenarian

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elizabeth, originally uploaded by natalieben.

This is from the front cover of The Friendly Almshouses; Elizabeth died, aged 110, in 1838.
No details are given of her life, but some other examples of the society’s many deserving cases of 1830 are.
For example: “Sarah Bunny, widow, aged 83 … a very respectable woman, who has seen better days; in her husband’s life they kept a public-house in St James’s, but giving too much credit to the soldiers, they failed; he then had a situation in the docks, but his trouble broke his spirits and his health, and he did not long survive, leaving her in poverty; she has now only 1s per week from the parish, and some sacrament money allowed her by the chaplain of the London Hospital.” (p. 16)


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