An editor’s dream Australian story

What editors really want out of Australia are stories about sharks, crocodiles and other dangerous beasts (despite the fact such things are rare) devouring humans – preferably young, blonde female humans. Failing that, a pretty child cuddling a cut marsupial will do. (If you’re an Australian editor, you want these stories out of the Northern Territory.)

Thus, the perfect Australian story: KILLER KANGAROO. That it lived abour 10 million years ago is a mere technical detail, although that it is accompanied by “the demon duck of doom” doesn’t do any harm.

“There were meat-eating kangaroos with long fangs, and galloping kangaroos with long forearms, which could not hop,” he told The Australian newspaper.
Palaeontologist Sue Hand, who also participated in the dig, told Australian radio that other potentially frightening creatures were unearthed.
“Very big birds… More like ducks, earned the name demon ducks of doom, some at least may have been carnivorous,” she said.

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