Pick that nursing home carefully

There are a lot of “cor isn’t it hot, here’s how to cool down” stories around in the UK media at the moment repeating the same statements of the bleeding obvious, as we’re well into a second week of 30-plus temperatures (in London at least). But the Guardian has an interesting, thoughtful piece today combining global warming reflections with practical advice – it has me looking now at my balcony windows wondering if it would indeed be possible to fit externa shutters. (Interestingly this piece says that internal blinds are useless, since by then the heat is already in the room, which makes sense when you think about it.)

And it reports that even after the scandal of 2003, when 30,000 died across Europe, primarily in France, the deaths are starting again this year – usually oldies who are literally being broiled alive from within. (And it isn’t even August yet.) The fault lies in their environment, building design ill-adapted to the realities that we are fast moving towards every summer being a 2003, and ignorance among communities yet to make behavioural adaptations.

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