A measure of public opinion about America

This has had little publicity, but is an interesting of how America has come to be viewed in the world:

Five Christian peace activists have been declared not guilty of criminal damage after they disabled a US warplane on its way to Iraq.
The jury of five men and seven women took four and a half hours to reach its unanimous decision.
It was the third attempt at trying the five who pleaded not guilty to two counts each of causing damage without lawful excuse to a naval plane, property of the United States government and to glass door panels, property of Aer Rianta at Shannon Airport, Clare on February 3, 2003….
The accused at all stages accepted that they had gone into a Shannon Airport hangar with hammers and damaged the aircraft. They argued that they had a lawful excuse for doing so as they believed they were acting to protect lives and property in Iraq.

The jury system can be a very powerful tool for the public to send messages to the politicians. Whether of course they are prepared to listen is another question.

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