Derrrr… important info for WordPress users

Regulars will know that I’ve been putting off, dreading, and then yesterday spent several hours trying to work out the upgrading of the version of my WordPress installation.

And it was all unnecessary (although I suppose I learnt more about the whole structure of WordPress, PHP databases and similar that might come in handy some time).

All I had to go was go to Fantastico in my server control panel and press one button to update (at least to the one-but-last upgrade – it will apparently be a couple of weeks before the latest one arrives.)

Potentially useful to know … and one of those things that seems so obvious to the techies that they don’t bother to tell you this is possible.

Be told!

(This is only on hosts that provide “one-button installation” of WordPress. I’ve told the very nice help-desk that they should also note it is one-button update.)

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