The MCPs are alive and well …

… and living in Australia. (Or at least some of them are.)

Here’s the ABC’s preview of the annual awards for male chauvinism and the SMH’s short summary of the winners.

One “winner” I know, Bill Heffernan, who in my time was a loud and brash conservative activist in the one-horse town of Junee.

The federal Liberal MP Bill Heffernan took out the political award for saying of the deputy federal Labor leader, Julia Gillard: “Anyone who chooses to remain deliberately barren …they’ve got no idea what life’s about.”

Although on scale of seriousness, the top award really should go to this one:

The lawyer Chrisovalantis Papadopoulos won the judicial category for saying a rape was only brief and “at the very bottom of the scale of seriousness”.

Tis said a book is in the offing. Somehow I doubt the standards have “improved” over the 14 years of the awards.

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