Pat on back for me

I played my first game of squash for eight or nine months today, and despite taking on a greyhound type to whom I was giving more than a handful of years, survived until the end. In the last game, the only one I won admittedly, he was looking at least as ragged as I.

I’m fitter than I thought I was, a pleasant, and unexpected discovery. It shows again the value of cycling. Athough I’m not doing a lot of miles at the moment, I do ride probably at least 40 minutes on average a day, if at no great pace. (Since it is usually through the centre of London, with lots of traffic lights and mad pedestrians to avoid.)

Of course I’ll barely be able to walk tomorrow morning, but that’s normal after coming back to squash after a break. Nothing, but nothing, reaches the gluteus muscles like it does.


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