The Tory party tries the popular approach

I spent nearly four hours on a Green Party stall on Kentish Town Road this morning, and for the first time in this by-election campaign (before Thursday’s poll) the Tories also had a stall, which was an entertaining three-ring circus.

There was a mob of Young Tory males, looking terribly like, well, young Tories, and the assemblage of the stall – unfolding the table etc – nearly defeated the combined efforts of a dozen Tory brains. (It was suggested to me that perhaps they really should have brought their maids.)

Then there was the challenge of blowing up balloons. No quite sure how they managed it, but it seemed at least half ended up bursting, so there were regular fusillades echoing down the high street – you wouldn’t want to have been of a nervous disposition or you’d have been hitting the deck.

Politics can be so much fun…

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