The result of the Kentish Town byelection

The final result (after two recounts requested by Labour) was: Lib Dem 1,098, Green 812, Labour 808, and Tory 198.

In an old Labour stronghold, second is a fine result. We just haven’t yet found a way to get around the sheer weight of a Lib Dem national swarm. They threw MPs around like confetti, hoardes of activists, and a forest of paper.

It was hollow electioneering pure and simple – and if it could be shown up as such, the vote would pop like a yellow balloon. (Very few people – outside the activists – want a Lib Dem poster in their window.)

BTW – I lost the bet on the turnout: it was something like 32% – still pretty high for a byelection.

I am now going to sleep. I may be some time.


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