Spam and ham, or what you find on the internet

One amazing set of figures, and an illuminating graph here.

So about 6 per cent of comments made on blogs are “real”; the rest spam. (Luckily Akismet, which provides these figures, is pretty good. On a bad day it catches on this site around 1,000 spam comments – I can hardly complain that during spam “storms”, which seem to come along every week or so, it misses the odd one.)

Speaking of things you find on the internet: I discovered today that you can watch the entire BBC2 show The Daily Politics (until noon the day after broadcast). I discovered that today because Sian Berry, the Green Party Female Principal Speaker, was on the show – which was going to be about climate change, until the latest Blair revelation. Still, she did a good job, I think, across some unexpected ground.

The funny thing is that a couple of days ago someone was mocking me for not owning a television. As I said, it is me who is ahead of the curve now, not them – since you don’t actually need one any more…

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