GNER good, Virgin bad

Having just done quite a long trip on GNER to Scotland, similar to one I did last year on Virgin, I have to say how much more pleasant this experience was. There was some ventilation on the train, not the recirculated airless feeling of the Virgin train, and pleasant staff, unlike the sullen, curt types on Virgin.

And at least on the Friday up a lovely dining car that, while not cheap, served non-plastic properly cooked food – a rather good steak, asparagus and broccoli nicely cooked and dished up silver-service style by staff who acted like they didn’t mind being there.

Only one hitch – a classically British one. After the asparagus came the waitress offering “mustard, English or French”. Sounds good. Then “one or two”. After all that fine service the offering was Heinz mustard in little plastic sachets … oh well, it is still Britain I suppose.

And unfortunately the dining car isn’t open on weekends. I was hoping for a nice leisurely dinner in the big seats tonight, but was turned away. Most disappointing…. Mr/Mrs GNER, please, seven-day dining!

And I found the on-train WiFi worked pretty well… ridiculously expensive (£5/hour), but convenient.


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