More to celebrate …

… about the EU. It might even (partially) save the US from itself, by tightening standards for consumer goods in chemical content, recycling.

“Cameron points out that the United States and the European Union remain each other’s most significant trading partners in the world–our entanglements are deep and abiding. But as Europe becomes a more assertive political force, the question will become, as he puts it, “Why shouldn’t Americans enjoy the same standards as Europeans?”

Such a basic question used to run in the other direction, when the United States set the gold standard for the world’s environmental health. And the answer strikes at the core of the Bush Administration’s most savored narratives–that we, alone, are masters of our nation’s fate.”

From The Nation, via Arts and Letters Daily.

I’ve another celebration here.

Now I’m off to write my Christmas cards. My record is sending them on Boxing Day, but this year I’m aiming to actually get them to (most) people by Christmas Day.


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