Remember, they are still the Tories

Where 59 per cent of Labour MPs think Britain a united country, only 22 per cent of Conservative MPs do. Where 98 per cent of Labour MPs consider Britain a better country to live than it was 20 years ago, only 41 per cent of Tories do.
The starkest gaps were on racial diversity. More than nine out of ten Labour MPs agreed that “the diverse mix of races, cultures and religions now found in our society has improved Britain”, but nearly a half of Conservatives disagreed. A call for people to be more tolerant of different ethnic groups and cultures found support from 94 per cent of Labour MPs but just two thirds of Conservatives. How can you oppose greater tolerance? And multiculturalism was backed by eight out of ten Labour backbenchers but rejected by the same proportion of Conservatives. Oh, and on gay rights, you have 83 per cent backing for equality from Labour compared with less than half of the Tories.

From Alice Miles

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