A cure for an itchy voting finger

Thanks to Jim, who’s named this blog as No 13 in the Top Twenty Green Blogs. There’s also a people’s choice award, so should your voting finger be feeling a little itchy through lack of a chance to exercise it at Westminster, here’s your chance. There are some great blogs there – the observant might have noticed that my blog roll has been augmented…

Philobiblon also makes an appearance in the Britblog roundup No 139. Chameleon did, as ever, a truly stupendous piece of work, and offered, within her feminism section (not a regular feature of the roundup, I’m afraid to say), a piercing commentary on my abortion post, working from Susan Bordo’s Are Mothers persons?, with a great quote: “In practice, our legal tradition divides the human world as Descartes divided all of reality: into conscious subjects and mere bodies (res extensa). And in the social expression of that duality, some groups have clearly been accorded subject-status and its protections, while others have regularly been denied those protections, becoming for all medical and legal purposes pure res extensa, bodies stripped of their animating, dignifying and humanising ‘subject-ivity”.

As I said, not your average roundup….!

(You can also listen to the audio version, on Pods and Blogs from Radio Five Live.)

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