A short family tree

Of limited interest to most, but since my grandmother has been digging all of this up, I thought that I might post it in case it should help someone else’s Googesearch.

My great grandfather, William J.G. Boor, married Louisa A Hinton (one of 11 children) in 1893. They had two children: William R.G., born 1893, Doris Margaret. J. born 1897.

William married I don’t know when and my grandmother Edna Louise was born 1921 and married in 1941.

Louisa died in 1935.

Doris married George Michael Bushnell in 1938. (Interesting, at the age of 41.)

I believe that Louisa grew up on a farm near Stroud, NSW, and that William Boor may have been a soldier.

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