How not to be a pub

The “Somers Town Coffee House” is not a favourite phrase in the traditional working class community in which I live. There was, I’ve been told, quite a stink when the licence was granted to the current owner, since it was not planning to – and doesn’t – open on weekends.

And quite a few of the locals have apparently been barred from it, as not fitting in with the “suits” who often spill out of its doors.

So the pub (which I believe it has been for a long time) that should be at the centre, the heart of the community, mostly has its doors closed.

There’s been a few too many suits for my taste, so I’ve never been in there, but tonight, late, tired, coming home, and thinking that the new Japanese sushi place – although excellent in its way – wasn’t quite what the weather ordered, I thought “a good pub feed”, that’s what I need. And I happened to have noticed signs offering food service to 10.

But no, the man told me, not only no food now, but no food at all today “since we’re celebrating the fact we’re on holiday until January 2”.

Nice for him, no doubt, but not so nice for anyone in the community who might happen to want a drink, or a feed, until then.

I won’t be trying again.

Given the centrality of the pub to English life, are there not rules about providing a service? Just wondering (and waiting for dinner to cook).

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