What is history?

“Sometimes, as I work at a series of patent and close rolls, I have a queer sensation; the dead entries begin to be alive. It is rather like the experience of sitting down in one’s chair and finding that one has sat on the cat.”
F.M. Powicke, Ways of Medieval Life and Thought, London, Odhams Press, 1950, p. 67.

He was “for many years was the Regis Professor of Modern History at Oxford” – you can just imagine him fitting into the stereotype, at least based on this quote.

I think this was a quote from somewhere else. I’ve lost the original reference, but it was such a nice quote I couldn’t resist posting it.

And yes, yippee, I have hit bottom on the piles of paper around the desk. I haven’t actually got into the desk yet, but I’ve got to buy some boxes for a new filing system tomorrow. And I might treat myself to an extra filing cabinet.

Can you guess one of my new year’s resolutions? It is one I make every year.

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