Don’t be shy

Nominations are now open for the 2005 Bloggies, which are THE awards among the many, I’m reliably informed.

Here’s a good chance to answer that: where are all the female bloggers? question.

As Feministe says (now there’s a good nomination): “And don’t you forget about me. You know, because female bloggers don’t know how to promote themselves.”

Yes I nominated myself for “best new”. (You’re allow to do that so long as you nominate at least three others as well – I plundered my blogroll and almost got to 20 nominations.)

Once you’ve done that, if the name Blinky Bill means anything to you, don’t miss Barista’s post, which includes The Magic Pudding for dessert.

Otherwise, on the subject of female authors (Dorothy Wall for Blinky), did you know today was the day that Fanny Burney, the “Mother of English fiction”, died? (In 1840.) Thanks to Today in Literature. (This link will only work for a couple of days.)

And for those in any stage of a PhD, Claire is asking you to nominate how you plan to celebrate finishing … a chance to exercise those pleasant fantasies, and procrastinate for a few minutes.

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