Final call, final call …

Only two days to go until the next Carnivalesque, and yes it will be here.

I’ve had some interesting submissions, but I couldn’t exactly say they’ve been flooding in, so please don’t be shy: nominate yourself for a little glory now – enhance your dignitas and auctoritas in the blogsphere. (Yes I have been in ancient Rome for a few days now.)

Submissions of blog posts on any early modern history subject under the sun should be sent to natalieben at as soon as possible. If you’re thinking “Carnivalesque?”, there’s an explanation of this gathering of early modernists here. (For these purposes “early modern” is defined as covering the period between c.1450-1850. Anything posted in the past two months – more or less – is most welcome.)

And to get in the mood, check out History Carnival No 3; no ancient Romans, but Rastafarian visitations to Ethiopia, women during the Meiji Restoration and lots of other fascinating stuff.

P.S. I note that while I’ve been away my auctoritas has so risen that on the TTLB Ecosystem I’ve been promoted from a “Flappy Bird” to an “Adorable Little Rodent” – not sure how that came about, but perhaps I should loll around reading for days on end and not posting more often.

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