Net nuggets No 5

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vesuvius, originally uploaded by natalieben.

* Above is Sir William Hamilton’s drawing of an eruption of Vesuvius in the 1760s or 1770s – something to think about next time you are visiting Pompei. It is from a lovely little online exhibition from the University College London special collection. There’s also images from original texts by Copernicus, Gallileo and John Wilkins’ (then anonymous) 1638 conclusion that there was life on other planets.

* Just when you think America is going back to the 19th century, you come across an article like this, about “big business” providing transgender employees with medical expenses and unisex bathrooms.

* Every woman (and man) in journalism should read this piece. And television is just as bad.

* Humans are programmed to co-operate. There’s now evidence to take on the Right’s Hobbesian views. (Via Arts and Letters Daily.

* An argument for racial, but not racist genetics. And some fascinating information about the “Sonic hedgehog” mutation. (Via ditto)

* Islamic women (at least in the West) are making a move to lead prayers, seemingly an extremely radical step. Which reminds me of the brave woman in Bahrain on whom I posted in November. I haven’t been able to find out what happened to her. Anyone know?

*If you fancy dining with a knight and his lady in a medieval castle, the recipes are here, together with a great deal of other fascinating material on medieval life. (Hat-tip to Bibe’s box.)


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