Friday femmes fatales No 5

“Where are all the female bloggers?” HERE, in my weekly “top ten.” Why “femmes fatales”? Because these are killer posts, selected for great ideas and great writing, general interest, and variety.

I’m a blogger but not a geek, so I can’t work out how to point you to a specific post by the astonishing Miss W Todd, but if you follow this link and go exploring you won’t regret it. (Particularly look under “Libre” on April 4 for “Ceci n’est pa une pape”.)

The Goddess, meanwhile, sums up the state of the universe in one giant post, from the job of Pope to the unfairness of rich people always winning on Ebay. Meanwhile, Cheryl Rofer on Whirled view sums up the state of her garden with considerably more knowledge than most of us can manage.

Who moved my truth finds that people who believe in a “Higher Power” are curiously unable to believe in their own, while Blondesense is musing that a childhood image of Jesus holding a lamb doesn’t seem to square with the behaviour she sees from religious people today.

Kirsten on “re:invention” explains why when she says “I quit” on a bad day, she doesn’t mean it, while Jory de Jardins considers how she was socialised to do the “berrypicking” work, even when qualified for serious big game hunting.

A term for working mothers that flourished under the Nazis is still extant today, and seems to go a long way towards explaining Germany’s very low birthrate, Emma Pearse writes on Women’s enews, while Sisters Talk asks if the facts of DNA might do something to tackle racism in America.

And finally, Surfette, among others, announces the BlogHer conference in July.

If you missed last week’s edition, it is here.


Please: In the next week if you read, or write, a post by a woman blogger and think “that deserves a wider audience” (particularly someone who doesn’t yet get many hits), send me an email (natalieben at gmail dot com) or drop a comment here.

Disclaimer: the views here might not reflect my own. I’m trying to choose from as wide a range of female bloggers as possible.

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