Friday femmes fatales No 6

Where are all the female bloggers?” HERE, in my weekly “top ten.” Why “femmes fatales”? Because these are killer posts, selected for great ideas and great writing, general interest, and variety.

First and most importantly I have to point to Uncommon Misconceptions must-read testimony about her decision to have a late abortion.

Who are we and why are we here? Tennessee Guerilla Women reflects on those questions, starting with the answer “a citizen of Earth”, while Patricia Lee Sharpe, on Whirled View, is suffering “a crisis of confidence, a kind of identity crisis, which doesn’t seem to be shared by enough Americans to make a difference”.

Dr Pat, on Blogcritics, has been making an imaginative journey into a psychiatric hospital, while the star blogger Feministe recounts a week in her life away from the keyboard.

If all of that leaves you feeling exhausted and depressed, sorry.

To cheer up you might want to check out some Friday lamb blogging on What Do I Know or Elayne Riggs, who for a change has a “good neighbour” story, or check into My Boyfriend is a Twat’s stream of consciousness that includes handing over her debit card – with code – to her daughter.

Or follow The Sheila Variations in deciding what movies you’d like to live in – do I feel a meme coming on?

Then Jill on Third Wave Agenda finds a commentator who is sure equal pay is related a university cross-dressing competition – those misogynists sure do lack a sense of humour.

If you missed last week’s edition, it is here.


Please: In the next week if you read, or write, a post by a woman blogger and think “that deserves a wider audience” (particularly someone who doesn’t yet get many hits), send me an email (natalieben at gmail dot com) or drop a comment here.

Disclaimer: the views here might not reflect my own. I’m trying to choose from as wide a range of female bloggers as possible.


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