Friday femmes fatales No 8

Where are all the female bloggers? HERE, in my (usually) weekly top ten.

To start with some reflection on the practice of the keyboard,Miriam Jones, on The Valve, discusses why how Chinese scholars paid for their brushes and ink matters in considering their writing. Are you writing on a battered old second-hand PC or the latest Mac. Does it matter?

Staying philosophical, Green Consciousness explains how she tries to avoid “psychic slime” and in a short but sweet post, Worshipping at the Altar of Mediocrity welcomes an activist approach to atheism.

Turning political, Reclaiming Medusa rejects “the burqa excuse”, while DED Space suggests Generation X women need to reinvent the consciousness-raising group and Iconochron finds that she can make relatively good choices in buying gas (petrol).

Nathalie on Mediabistro is meanwhile deconstructing Tom Wolfe’s white suit. /Then if you fancy a refreshingly surreal online juice, check out this gift from Orangepulp.

Meanwhile Mommy blawg has worked out the grand Star Wars marketing plan, but she’s let her four-year-old watch the new episodes anyway. The Cheeky Prof is, however, putting her foot down about her student’s grades.

Please, if you read a post in the next week by a woman blogger and think “that deserves a wider audience”, tell me about it, in the comments here or by email. Thanks!

(I try to cover as wide a range of female bloggers as possible, so the views expressed may not reflect my own.)

The most recent former edition is here.

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